Baby Al just after we found him.
Lily and her first litter asleep on the cage.
Sweetpea on the mantle during her first Christmas.
This New Year's Eve is also a "blue moon" the second full moon in the same month. Here's some interesting astrological info from an online article....

Astrologically the energy of the full moon works to integrate and harmonize the contradictions in the self and others. During a full moon, the seeds sown at the last new moon are ready to be harvested and utilized. Traditionally, the full moon is seen as a time for meditation and particularly for personal issues and global concerns.
During the blue moon this vibration is said to be three-fold. In some cultures the second full moon was considered a very holy and auspicious day. A time when the veil between heaven and earth is thin and the ability to communicate with the gods and goddess is very powerful. It is considered a very spiritually significant time for prayer and meditation going back thousands of years.
Wishing you all another year of friendship, health, prosperity and love. We have enjoyed getting to know you all! Happy New Year!!!!!