My name be Captain Lily Flint
E'en tho thar`s nay legal rank on this swashbuckler ship Cat o' Wildcat Woods, sea dogs an' land lubbers recognizes I be th' one in charge. Like th' rock flint, I be hard an' sharp. But, also like flint, I be easily chipped, an' sparky. Arr!
Ye can tell from me squity one good eye that I run a tight ship - nay messin' around or 'tis th' ganag plank fer ye! E'en me kids be havin' t' tow th' line - nay favorites - I be harder on them!
We be jus' a rag tag squadron o' ferals from th' wilds o' th' Appalachians an' now roam th' high seas, plunderin' an' swashbucklin' wherereour hearts take us! We be one tough bunch!
Happy Seafarin' heartys Tide all!
Ya horn swollgin' swabbie!
What else ye got? An' be quick about it, I be shippin' out soon!
Happy Pirate Day --- Arrrr!!!!
For more great animal pictures click on Camera Critters!
P.S. We still need purrs and prayers for our Chica - she is not eating except what I can get into her in a plastic syringe. See the post below for more info. Thank youso much for your purrs!