The President and his wife Michelle are in town this weekend and we are all watching for them!
He is staying at the hotel Mom works at and she saw him briefly last night - playing golf and eating dinner. We heard they went to a BBQ place and then for a hike after.

Mom had Pop drop her off at work to avoid all the stop and search events but he came back to drive her home and got to go thru the car search with the dogs. The FBI guys asked Pop if he would mind if they planted a bag of gun powder on the car to give the dogs something to do and keep them alert. He asked if it was a trick and they smiled and said no. So they hid the bag on the car and let the shepherd mix dog find it - he did and got lots of praise for his work! Pop thought it was cool.
There have also been rumbling noises of jets flying overhead all night and day! Lots of excitement here. Happy Caturday to you! We will keep you posted!

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