Saturday, November 28, 2009

A Working Caturday with Al!

It's a fairly warm sunny day and we are all enjoying the rays!

Mom and Pop will be finishing up winterizing our screen cat room over the weekend. Pop hurt his knee this week so Mom will be doing the ladder and stapling the plastic over the screen. They did something new this year - adding panels that can be raised on warm days to let air in. That was a nice idea! Plus we have glass windows that we can see out and watch the birds and goats!

Wow look what they found on the outside screen! Have you ever seen such a big hairy spider? Wonder what kind it is? Anyone know?

Happy Caturday and please stop by Camera Critters for more great animal posts! ALso visit Bozo at Pet Pride for more pet posts.


CCL Wendy said...

Al, you are looking so marvelous! What a handsome kitty you are! You are so lucky to have such a loving Mom and Dad to care for you. I'll bet you would have loved to take care of that spider yourself, but instead you get to look at goats!

The Island Cats said...

Wow! You guys are so lucky to have that cat enclosure! And it's nice that you'll be able to let in some fresh air when the weather is nice! Now as for that spider...we don't know what kind it is, but it gave our mom the willies when she saw it!

Jeanne said...

Beautiful kitty! He looks so soft!

Cats in trees said...

Wow. The luxury. We wish our trees were winterized like that. Now we have to go out in all kinds of weather if we want to climb trees. But if it means we'll get such enormous spiders, never mind. Eek.

We love Luna said...

Hello sweet friend!
wow I'm enchanted by your pictures, you are just adorable!
You did a great work helping your mommy and dad there.
But that spider for sure would scare my mommy Léia because she is always afraid of it!
Happy Camera Critters
purrs and love

Teddy Westlife said...

We had to scroll past that photo real fast because mum is afraid. She is hopeless. You are lucky to have such a good cat room!

eileeninmd said...

What a pretty white kitty. Great photos.

Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

That Spider looks too scary for us to eat. Our mama said you are very lucky to have such a caring home. The Panels that can be raised up is a wonderful idea.

Hugs and purrs from
your friends at Boo-Bahs Little Sunshines

Sylvia K said...

Beautiful lady cat you are! Looks as though you have a great Mom and Pop who take really good care of you!

Sniffs and snuggles!

Sam Schnauzer and Mojo the Most

Karen & Gerard Zemek said...

That is on big ugly spider! Good thing it's on the outside. Love the idea about lifting the panels on warm days. Don't think we'll be having any warm days here for quite awhile.

Visiting from Pet Pride.

i beati said...

wonderful post beautiful lady sandy

Dianne said...

your people are doing a wonderful job!!
sorry your Dad got hurt, hope he feels better soon


SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Bless your beans for making you such a great enclosure. xxxxxx

The Florida Furkids said...

That room looks really nice! We think your Mom and Dad are purrty smart to fix it so you can get nice breezes in when it's nice out!!

That spider is skeery!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Anonymous said...

What a great thing to do for the kitties!

Anonymous said...

We has nebber seens a spider yike dat an' we nebber want to see a spider yike dat☺ WOWZA!

Janie said...

What nice humans you have, Al. They're building a really special room for you!

CCL Wendy said...

It's me again. You might want to check out the LOLSpot for Monday!

GLOGIRLY said...

You've got a great set up there! Look out for that ginormous spider!!! Holy Cat, he's a biggun!

(Glogirly's cat)

CCL Wendy said...

By the way, a few of your kitties are on the LOLSpot today. You might want to take a look!

Ellen Whyte said...

You are lucky to be all comfortable in the cold winter! That spider looks HUGE. We think it looks like the hairy scary kind.

i said...

Hello there! Oh wow, your very own cat room? How lucky you are! LS says you have such a beautiful white and soft coat.

The spider sure looks a bit scary.

Cheyenne -Millie said...

You are so lucky to have a cat enclosure! That is so cool!

Your so very pretty!

Anonymous said...

We have to tell you that your last picture seriously gave our mom a heartattack!!! She LOATHES spiders. Now, she says she;s all creeped out! MOL!!! Lookin' good guys!!!

Quilt Works said...

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