Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Wordless (almost) Wednesday

I'm mancat Joey and I live with lots of ladycats. It can be nice but sometimes they take over my spaces. Mamacita is bigger than me so I just try to fit where I can!


CCL Wendy said...

Cute! Mamacita doesn't seem to like to be crowded there, Joey. It's hard to tell if she's giving you a pat on the head or a smackdown!

JC said...

My gang knows the feeling ... only it's three boys to one girl ... at our house

The Creek Cats said...

We think that is a furry cute pic of you with Mamacita!

Reese =^..^= said...

It's obvious that you are very considerate of others AND cute!

Cliff and Olivia said...

Looks cozy.

Btw: No need to welcome us back. We've been here all the time. Just got some laze humans.

The Island Cats said...

Two words...MOVE OVER!!!

Anonymous said...

You have a great deal of patience and show great consideration for your fellow felines. You are to be commended on your great purr-sonality.

Karen Jo said...

Grin. It does look cozy.

Anya said...

LOVELY so Cute :)
purss from Kareltje =^.^-



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