Me now |
With all the stuff going on in our house - kitties going to the Bridge and then getting a new cat - Mom never got back to me on the blog and how I was doing with my diabetes. She wanted me to tell you guys how things are going. Remember back in November 2014, I was very sick and had to be in the vet hospital for days for ketoacidosis? Well I had to change my diet and even get insulin shots.
Me before (last year) |
I have lost a lot of weight on the new diet (low or no carb). Mom says she hardly recognizes me anymore cuz I am so tiny! I didn't think I was big since all my brothers were the same size.
Me before - pretty chubby |
Mom checks my blood every morning using a blood glucose meter just like people use. She pricks my ear and gets the blood sample there. I don't like it and run when I see her coming. I play this game where I run through the pantry and out the side door, around and around. Mom gets a bit exasperated sometimes. That's when I know it is time to stop and get on the bed so she can check me. I know I have to have this done.
Napping |
After I eat, I get an insulin shot. Sometimes I jerk when she gives it to me and then we don't know how much went in!!! I try to be still cuz that means more blood tests all day! It is not a whole lot of fun but it could be worse. I do feel better and have much more energy than before. Some people have told Mom that she should be checking my glucose levels and changing the insulin accordingly but with all of us to care for she does not have time. If I seem off, she will take another glucose reading but really I am doing pretty good.
A selfie with my slim look |
I am thankful that the vet could help me and I didn't go to the Bridge when I got sick. And that Mom doesn't mind keeping tabs on my glucose and giving me insulin. Her Mom and her mom's dog but had diabetes so she had plenty of experience before me. Oh and I do take Miralax twice a day to help keep me regular. I guess the insulin does a job on my regularity - so far so good! Have a super day!
Yay! We love good mews and you look very svelte now.
You look awesome Georgie - and I'm so glad to hear you are doing well!
We're so glad to hear that you're doing better, Georgie!
I am glad you are doing well with your insulin Georgie. I run around the table twice when I have to get my morning and evening pill. But then like you, I stop because I know it has to be done.
Do you know you have an ad for dating sexy Thai women under the comment box? I wanted to click on it, but mum said it is not for mancats.
Georgie, we're glad you're doing well and that your diabetes is being managed. We think your mom is doing a great job, the very best that she can.
Purrs and peace.
Georgie, you are good-looking kitty and I am glad you are feeling better! Kudos to your momma for taking good care of all of you!
georgie....we troo lee hope ya stay on trax with yur shots...we wood knot like em either but they troo lee iz for de best...N maybe sum day purrhaps ya can quit shotz all two gether N ya can stix with speshull diet! how kewl wood THAT be huh. az all ways, blessings frum R pal frank two ewe......XXXXXX
We are so, so happy you are doing so good and you are as beautiful as ever!!!
We are delighted to see you back - we have missed you all. We didn't know Georgie was on insulin until today but it's worth it to feel much better than before. BTW we just read Flynn's comment and it made Mum have a fit of the giggles!!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
We're glad you're doing well ! Your mom does a pawsome job ! Purrs
Georgie, this is great news that you're doing so well! I'm sorry you have to have that prick. Your Mom is doing a great job taking care of you!
We're happy you're doing so well and super happy that you didn't go to the Bridge when you got sick.
The Florida Furkids
I’m happy for the good report. I can see the marks on your ear in that one picture. I’ll bet it’s no fun.
Georgie, we're glad you're doing better now and we purr that you continue to do well for a long time.
pawesome, pawesome news! You are so lucky to have a good vet and a Mama that can do all of those things! You look meowvelous! xoxo
Georgie we is glad to hear you are doing better. Your mom bean lubs you a whole lots!
We has been away for a furry long time (blame our mom bean) so we just met Mr. Kitty. He is furry handsome!
Sasha, Sami, & Saku
You are looking so healthy and happy Georgie, you and Mom have made a pawesome team to tackle and bring that diabetes to its knees!
It is so wonderful to see you well and staying with us a lot longer. I think your fur angel sibs at the Bridge have been watching over you, knowing it isn't your time yet and how much your Mom needs you. It's not easy to endure the tests and shots, but I know you will do the right thing to help Mom help you.
George we are so glad that you are doing so well! YOU look fantastic!
Georgie, we are thrilled you are doing so well. Your slimmer look is very flattering to you and we are so happy to hear that you have more energy and feel better.
Looking good, Georgie! We are so glad you're doing better. :)
You were handsome then and you still are. I am glad you are feeling better. I will pray for you to stay healthy.
Hi there Georgie! We are stopping by to wish you well because we heard you were sick. Glad to hear that you are doing much better and the diabetes is manageable! Looking good! Hang in there!
xo Chloe and LadyBug
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