Hey there - Ivy here today. It's Earth Day isn't it? Pop is an old hippie and Mom has been a nature lover since the beginning so they do a lot to help Mother Earth daily! Here are some ideas they use to celebrate Earth Day everyday!
Recycle your pet food cans - most areas now have recycling stations to bring those used cans. If you are like us and have lots of cats - those cans can add up!

Buy natural and environmentally safe litter - we use chicken feed for starter/growers crumbles, no medicinal additives for cat litter cuz it is inexpensive and works as well as higher priced cat litter. We get 50 lb bags. They have litter out there from corn, pine, wheat and old recycled newspaper. Pick one and try it!
Use your own bags when you shop - don't use plastic bags unless you have to. They just don't break down and end up being around a long time.

Buy fresh local foods in season and avoid packaged foods if you can - we have lots of farms nearby for fresh eggs, cheese, meat and produce. Pop is a Chef and he doesn't like packaged foods so unless Mom sneaks in a mac and cheese in a box we make our own.

Grow your own foods organically - Pop has had a garden forever and uses things like kelp and fish emulsion for fertilizer. He buys his compost and soil enhancers from local stores and not the big chains - they say they are organic but have harsh chemicals in them. Pop uses straw for mulch and even uses straw to plant in (he is trying straw bales gardening this year). Our beans even grow wheat grass for us!

Shop at consignment and thrift shops - we are tough on furniture and stuff so Mom decorates like Shabby Chic with funky flea market stuff that looks better all banged up. She also gets used cat condos, kitty beds and towels and blankets for comfy bedding at these stores. She likes vintage clothes and buys a lot of her stuff there too.
I bet you can think of lots more things to do each day to help keep our planet healthy and green for a long time! Happy Earth Day from all of us at Wildcat Woods. (Hope you don't mind that Mom reused this post from 3 years ago cuz they spent Sunday doing a kitty transport to save a shelter cat.)
P.S. Woody joined an event at the Tabby Cat Club today called What's in a Name - find out how he got his name. This event is hosted by Oui Oui and Abbi.
P.S. Woody joined an event at the Tabby Cat Club today called What's in a Name - find out how he got his name. This event is hosted by Oui Oui and Abbi.
My human likes your bag very much. Also we recycle old paper bags in kitty fun ;-)
What a great Earth Day post! Thanks for all those good tips!
Doing a kitty transport to save a kitty is the best way ever to spend Earth Day:) :)
Our Mom finally got used to using her re-usable shopping bags. We have a huge single stream recycle bin and do a lot recycling since we got it. Mom loves thrift shops too!
The Florida Furkids
These are great tips! They certainly put my human to shame - she is so lazy. She recycles stuff and that is about it.
Happy Earthy Day!
We loved your post and will definitely try some of these things! XOXO
I think these are excellent tips! It sounds like you guys eat really well.
Happy Earth Day!!! These are wonderful ways to help Mother Earth! She is so fragile and so beautiful and yet could be terrifying at times but she is all we have and we must look after her! Take care
Those are some great ideas. With Daddy traveling so much we won't be growing our own food this year but we are going to try to get most of it at the Farmer's Market.
And now that it is warmer Mommy is going to start composting again. Daddy cleaned out the compost pile so we can starts back.
Thanks for all those wonderful suggestions for earth day. We will have to try to do better. The garden sounds wonderful.
Have a great day.
these sure are wonderful tips! Thank you for sharing!
We have reuseable shopping bags and recycle paper, cardboard, cans and plastic, old clothes, and garden waste. The council give us bins and we get them emptied every fortnight. Charity bags are pushed through the doors and we recycle good shoes, clothing and household stuff like towels and they are sold in aid of charity. In the garden we have a sand pit which Lucy uses as her toilet with all the rain we have it doesn't smell - any pooh is raked out each day and flushed away. Hannah will not use it and says she's not baring her bottom to the elements so we do use a small amount of cat litter!!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
That is a terrific picture of you Ivy! Happy Earth Day everyone, we always try our best not to harm our planet.
Happy Earth Day!
Excellent suggestions!
Happy Earth Day!
I'm coming over to eat at YOUR house! Happy Earth Day! woo woo woo!
Your humans are great stewards of the Earth. Our humans do lots of the same stuff. They only grow herbs so buy organic at our local cooperative. Happy Earth Day to all of you. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette
All great tips. We do our best to follow those - we actually have a law here in SF that charges people for not bringing their own bags when they shop. Even though I live in a downtown apartment, we have a large balcony and looking at ways we can grow some of our own food. Maybe soon...
Such a terrific Earth Day post, friends! We do some of these things, too. Not growing stuff, though, since we live in a condo. Maybe someday...
Happy Earth Day. Great post for today. Wow, how lucky you all are to have a dad who gardens and is a chef. Hugs and nose kisses
I do several of those things every day. I am just not much of a gardener but I may slowly get back into it.
I forgot to say thank you so much for your kind words about Austin.
Good ideas all. Dad was telling us about the very first earth day in Phila. He went and had lots of fun. Purrs
We are leaving : cans , plastic , glass , papers and other stuff you can leave at the recycling station and my humans try to remember to bring bags when they go för shopping :)
Happy belated Earth Day !
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