Hi ya'll, Ivy here today to talk to you about me and FIV. I have this and I am healthy at age 13. I spent most of my life outside as a feral until Mom rescued me and brought me inside six years ago. People are afraid to adopt FIV cats but they shouldn't be. I have lived indoors with 9 other cats and no one has gotten sick from me. Here is the scoop on FIV:
FIV Facts
1. The Feline Immuno-deficiency Virus is a slow virus that affects a cat's immune system over a period of years.
2. FIV is a cat-only disease and cannot be spread to humans or other non-felines.
3. FIV cats most often live long, healthy, and relatively normal lives with no symptoms at all.
4. FIV is not easily passed between cats. It cannot be spread casually - like in litter boxes, water and food bowls, or when snuggling and playing. It is rarely spread from a mother to her kittens.
5. The virus can be spread through blood transfusions, badly infected gums, or serious, penetrating bite wounds. (Bite wounds of this kind are extremely rare, except in free-roaming, unneutered tomcats.)
6. A neutered cat, in a home, is extremely unlikely to infect other cats, if properly introduced.
7. Many vets are not educated about FIV since the virus was only discovered 15 years ago.
8. FIV-positive cats should be kept as healthy as possible. Keep them indoors and free from stress, feed them a high-quality diet, keep and treat any secondary problems as soon as they arise.
Despite what many people think, cats with this condition can live perfectly long, happy, healthy lives.
(From Best Friends Animal Society website)
Now that you have the scoop on FIV, let me give you the scoop on me! My favorite position to sleep in is with my head hanging off the edge. Strange huh?
My left whiskers are all curled like I got them singed in a fire. Mom does not know how this happened. - it was before she took me in. I also have a BB pellet embedded in my left paw - again, don't know how that happened.
I love sleeping with Joey - he is my best pal.
My tongue is always out - I don't even notice it.

I love sleeping on the heater in the winter and hang my head off it. Mom worries I will fall off but I don't.
I love to watch TV especially golf which Pop likes. I watch the little white ball fly through the air! So cool.
The reason for this post is to explain how FIV cats can live with other cats and not spread the virus. Chrystal has a private shelter with a lovely calico named Daphne who needs a home of her own. Because she is bringing so many new rescued pets into the shelter that are sick, she needs to protect Daphne from getting sick herself with her depressed immune system from FIV. Her picture is on the sidebar. Just click it for her story - please help her find a home like I have. I think life is great and I am so glad Mom took me in.
On another note - Chrystal's own cat Little Bit or Bitsy as she was called went to the Bridge last week. To honor her, Mom posted a memorial for her on Critters.com. It will be up for 2 weeks and there is a guest book for condolences. Go to the site, click Search, put in Little Bit's name and she is the first Little Bit listed with the date of June 11, 2011.
We joined Camera Critters this weekend - please do stop by for more animal posts.
Thank you, Ivy, for sharing about yourself, and all about FIV. A lot of people don't know all those important facts!
We are so glad you have such a loving forever home, sweet girl.
Gorgeous Ivy, thank you for posting a much needed message about FIV, because many people totally misunderstand it.
We loved all the pictures....and we love ALL of you.
Thanks for the post and the info on yourself. Mom got annoyed yesterday and put up a separate page on our blog about FIV and FeLV cause people just don't know and then are given bad info!! We are very glad you are doing so well and have our paws crossed for Daphne!!
Can you let us know if you receive this comment as your comment to us has made me wonder if addressing one problem makes another!!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
That was some great info on FIV. Glad you are doing so well with it. It sure sounds like you could keep a cat with it with a bunch of other cats. Hope all of you have a super week end with no storms Take care.
Thank you for your PSA on living with FIV, Miss Ivy! We hope that more people will take time to learn about it and not be afraid to adopt a cat who tests positive!
Awwww amazing Ivy!! Me and Charlie love how you sleep with your head hanging off the edge!! Awww how unique and adorable!!
Thank you so much for such a wonderful and sensible look at FIV! Yay!!!
Awww what a lovely memorial for Little Bit. We'll go and visit, thank you for the link! Take care
You are a beautiful kitty....and so lucky to have been found by your Mom and Dad.
Love your sweet little pink tongue
I'd show it off too!!
Hugs Madi
What a beautiful and informative post ~ thank yoo so much. You told us all sorts of things we didn't lnow about FIV ~ and mom said if she was in the market for another kit, FIV wouldn't put her off adopting.
We are so glad yoo have a loving and informed forever home sweet girl. Smoochies.
You are very cute, but it sure doesn't look comfy to sleep with your head hanging off the side of the bed! Thank you for enlightening me about FIV.
Ivy, this was a great post! Thanks for passing along all that important information!
I know a formerly feral cat with FIV that's over 20 years old.
Me learned a lot today! FIV is not as bad as some peoples thinks it is. Thanks yous for explaining it to us!
Ivy, thanks so much for telling us all about FIV. We learned a few things. We are so glad you are doing so well.
Thanks, Ivy for all the great informaiton! I am so happy that you finally have such a wonderful happy home. I love the way you sleep, ha ha ha! It's really good to keep the Humans wondering ;-)
I hope sweet Daphne finds a loving home, too, just like yours!
thank you for sharing this most important information. I didn't know a lot of the facts that you mentioned. THANK YOU!
Au has FIV and he's on a trial drug medicine that's fantastic. We know that soon all FIV kitties who do fall sick (like Au did) will be saved by this medicine. It's called RetroMad1.
You Ivy are one cutie kitty. And you don't look a day over 5.
Thanks for such a very important post and a great summary to keep handy in case someone has questions. I sure hope that Daphne gets a home soon, she is gorgeous.
Ivy, you're one very special girl! Thank you for spreading the word about the facts on FIV, it's so important for people to know!
Ivy, you're one very special girl! Thank you for spreading the word about FIV, it's so important people know what it's really about!
Thanks for the info about FIV! We are happy to know that you will be able to live a normal, healthy life. You sure deserve one, after being a stray and getting your whiskers singed and a BB in your paw and everything!
Thank you for those facts! I think that is really important to know! You are very pretty Ivy!
Ivy, thanks for posting the full skinny on FIV. There are too many people out there that do NOT know a thing about the illness that go off the deep end when they hear a neighbor's little one has it, even if, say, the little one is a 100% house kitty and never leaves the house. Every one needs to make not of the info.
I wonder about the head hanging over the side of the bed, and have a Grandcat that sleeps that way. Never heard that he fell off the bed, so I guess it's ok.
Lovely pictures. Be happy little one.
This is a great reportage, thanks for sharing your information about FIV,in fact we didn't know much about and now we can understand better.Very informative and important post!
purrs ,love and hugs
Mommy Léia and little LUNA
What a sweet lookiung girl that Daphine is. Thank you so much for the education on FIV. .
A BB pellet? Oh my goodness!! You're most definitely a strong and courageous kitty!!!
Happy Camera Critter Day. Here is my LINK Hope to see you stop by for a visit!!
Great post and info. Cute photos.
Ivy, you are not the only one. Our golden retriever, Lindy, likes to sleep with her head hanging down, and she never falls off her chair.
I think your name Ivy is perfect for a poster cat with FIV.
Thank you so much for all the useful information about cats living with this disease.
— K
Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel
Hi Ivy...Stinky here, thanks for bringing some much needed attention to your readers about FIV. Im so glad you are alright, tell your Mom not to worry about you falling off the heater, I sleep like that too and haven't fallen off yet!
P.S. I think you look beautiful with your tongue hanging out!
nice cat shots
This is Awesome Post !
And Thanks so much to your mom to do a wonderful job to look after you, Ivy ! and this is great information. I'm going to spread it, More human know it's better to help more feline who have FIV
Have a lovely day
You are such a pretty girl and I am so glad you are living such a healthy and happy life. I wish the same for Daphne.
You are a very lucky cat. My little guy came to us from the wild. I don't think he had been on his own for long, but while there a coyote nipped off the end of his tail. We invited him to stay and got the tail fixed at the vet. It had to be shaved, hence his name Stick Tail. Stick is now about 15 years old. He is a lot more quiet and sedate, but that is fine. He fits in just fine with my 95 year old Mom. They have retired together in a condo and life is good. - Margy
Thank you for the important info. on FIV. I hope lots of people read it.
I remember when I took Marshmellow in when he was dumped at a park. The vet seemed to think I shouldn't keep him if he tested positive for FIV. Thank goodness he tested negative. At that time because I didn't know any better I would have taken the vet's advice.
I am sorry about the bebe in the paw. It is so sad what feral cats go through. It's all because of dumb and thoughtless humans!
No one could have said it more eloquently than you did, and YOU are living proof the joy one can have with FIV. WE are so glad that you have a wonderful stable loving home which is stress free for you to be in.
Hi Ivy thanks for all the info on FIV. Its great to know how well you are doing just don't fall off that heater. Dave at photoviews
Thank you for posting all the information of FIV. I hope it encourages someone to adopt Daphne.
Thank you so much for this information Ivy. It's important to know all the facts. So glad you are doing so well and living with it and showing everyone that it is O.K. and it is not catching. Sure hope Daphne gets her forever home will soon.
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