The word for today in Photo Hunt is HALF. Since Minnie has only half of her top front teeth..she is our entry.
I'm Minnie and I have a sweet tooth! You can see it in this picture..I have only one fang left! Mom calls me the cookie monster..

I talk and talk and follow her around until she gives me a treat. After I eat , I must have a cookie!

Yumm, these Temptations are great!

Now I will go take a nap..sorry about having my eyes closed...the flashy box makes them squint and becuz I am black nothing comes out if she doesn't use the flashy box.

For more Photo Hunt visit Tnchick. And for more animal posts vivit Camera Critters and Bozo at Pet Pride!
We think you are lovely showing off your fang - it makes you very distinguished. We are glad your Mom is generous with the cookies!!
What a sweet girl you are Minnie! Well as long as you have one tooth left you'll always have a sweet tooth.
It's lovely to see you being spoiled with Temptations like that. All kitties deserve good TREATment.
We like those kind of cookies too!!
One Fang! Our Angel Cat Hootie was like that, too.
Mommy says that our Deaf boy Chuckles didn't play too much with the other cats, but he did pick on a couple occasionally. Chuck knew he was a People and acted accordingly. He was a shoe Man and very social with company.
He startled easily so he had a private cat bed on top the refrigerator, Mommy thinks he enjoyed feeling the rumble from the condenser.
What a beautiful cat you are Minnie, and very well loved I can see.
My kitties love treats!
I played too :)
Great pictures!
Hehe Cute :)
My human always asks me if I want a cookie. Of course, I never do, so she gives me a cat treat instead.
hey minnie you sure look cool!
Woof woof
from Bozo
Pet Pride
Well, you sure are a cute Cookie Monster Minnie! For some reason your posts were not showing up in my reader, but they all came in today for some strange reason. Oh well, miracles of technology!
Mmmm... snacks and a nap! My kinda day. Our Winnie says the same thing about the flashy box!
Oh Minnie! You are the most gorgeous cookie monster ever!! Hope you enjoyed your temptations!
Take care
oh, that is one cute cat :)
You are so cute! I'm so glad you get cookies. :)
My Riley and Jasmine love temptatons ...
Minnie is a beauty; our Mommy loves black cats and thinks they are lucky charms!...We love Temptations too...Have a happy week sweet friends...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Love his face
so so cute :)))
Thanks for this funny post :)
Hugs to all from Kareltje =^.^=
Hello dear Minnie,
I think your tooth is cute!You are beautiful posing for the camera!
Hmmm I need to confess that I've never tried this Temptation treat, it looks delicious, thanks for this hint!
Have a great week
purrs and love
Luna - WE love Luna
oh Minnie i likes your sweet tooth! heehee. and those temptations are just addicting, aren't they? my favorite are the dairy flavor ones. my mommeh HIDES the bag, because i am always knocking it over and hollering because i want some.
Ciao Minnie,
anche se hai una sola piccola zanna, sei una bellissima gatta.
Tante coccole coccolose :-)
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