The theme for today is daily! Everyday Mom is woken up by one of us on the bed, poking her or just staring at her. Her first job is to clean the litter boxes (yuck) then get our food ready. This is a time consuming process cuz we all need different vitamins, supplements and medications in our food and have to have our own plate for this. ( All the stuff on the counter is not all for us - Mom and Pop use this stuff too!)

Then Mom goes around the house to find the right cat for each plate of special food. We all eat in our own spot. Aren't we spoiled?

Then it's nap time! Mamacita is all comfy on the chair. She likes to sleep with her head on a pillow.

Hope you enjoyed our Photo Hunt this Caturday! For more like this visit
Tn Chick!
Pretty busy day, but daily is a necessity here too! Have a wonderful weekend!
Mom is lucky - we all eat the same thing!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Your Mom does a lot of work for you guys everyday, but you totally deserve it!!...There's nothing better than the love and devotion of animal babies!...Mamacita is too cute!...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
My gosh, what a beatiful looking spread. I wish I had a mommy like that taking care of me :-)
You've been tagged!
Hope you will have a chance to visit too!
Spoiled? This is what I would call true love! Special needs is time consuming.
Wow !!!
Why does everyone have to have different diets ? Do tell ...
(the only one on a diet is our dog who eats cd)
You beautiful kitties at the Wildcat Woods deserve to be spoilt cuz you are all just lovely!
And your mum deserves a shiny gold medal for being so organized and lovely too! I love the way the food and plates are all arranged all special for you furry cuties.
And Mamacita! You look so comfy - I hope you had a good nap.
Take care
Jc asked why all the different diets - the senior cats need herbs and glandulars for their kidneys and thyroid; the older ones age 10+ need extra herbs to boost their immune system, Vitamin C; Minnie has IBS and neds fiber, slippery elm and digestive enzymes to help her be more regular; and Ivy has FIV so she takes a glandular to boost her immune system. It sounds like a lot but it sure beats paying for vet visits all the time.
Thanks ...
I know what you mean about the cost of vets. When I got Meredith, she was fine. Got a bit nervous ... she's shy ... and started to have problems in the kitty box department. I went on line and got her some liquid meds for that problem. Gave it to her daily for a couple of months. Just a week or so ago .. she's fine again. YEAH .. only cost my $40 instead of $200. I also have her on fancy kitty food with no grains. What we do for our Purr Balls ^,,^
Wow, what a daily chore! But cats are so sweet, they deserve it. ;)
I played, too. Happy weekend!
Wow! You certainly do cater to these little beasties, don't you? They are all so fortunate to have a mommy and daddy like you who takes care of them so well.
Mammacita looks rather spoiled, too, I think! But rightly so, of course.
I think it's a full time job for your mom just to feed you all! Wow!
You have a great mom! Mamacita is too cute on her pillow. Sounds like you all have a wonderful life!
My human gets off lucky - she just gets one or two out of three cats poking or jumping on her, then all she has to do is dump some Wellness Core kibble in our dishes. Your human has LOTS of work to do... but of course, being kitties, you are worth every moment!
Wow! So much your beans go through on a daily basis! But we know you are all worth it!!
Wow! Room service. Your mom rocks :)
Hi Wildcat Woods cats and beans! Thank you for visiting my new blog and welcoming me to the CB. Do you place your breakfast food order with the beans before they go to bed or do you tell them when you wake up? Looks like your meals are made to order! I will have to mention this to my beans.
Your new pal, Jackpot
Not spoiled ~ special kitties should have special treatment! :)
wow dats a lot of noms! =^_^=
You gets such nice plates to eat off from! We don't have a plate. We each have a special plastic dish though though only Sandusky gets special food!
gosh, your mommeh is a busy lady! i cannot believe all those different plates. i would not wait to be fed like you guys - you must be verreh good kittehs. my mommeh says i am a bad girl because the second i see or smell foods i go into attack mode, and i will jump on her and do anything i can to get at the foods before she is even ready to open it or set it up for me.
Oh my word...all those plates of food to fix...and everyone so very hungry...your mom has a very important and demanding job. YOu are all very lucky to have such a devoted servant.
Madi and Mom
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