Happy Birthday to ML - hears cheers to you and thanks for all you do for cats and everyone on Cat Blogosphere!!!!!

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Hi everybody - I'm Darby and my favorite toy is a ribbon! Since it is a rainy day again I am going to play all day.. I like to run around the house with it in my mouth, wrestle with it and bat it around.
Boy I'm pooped from all that playing. Think I'll take a nap! Have a fun weekend!!!
We're glad you found something to do on a rainy day!
We're wishing ML a happy birthday too!
What a cutie!!!
Mine is up over at my pet blog.
my kind of day sandy
Hi! Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog! There seems to be a very nice cat family there!
Purrs from Brazil
Luna ( weloveluna.blogspot.com )
What a happy cat - and how lucky the feral cats are to have found you.
Well hello Darby! Aren't you a handsome devil!
Darby is gorgeous!
Nice meeting you, Darby. I note your toy ribbon and blanket are color coordinated! You Go!
Hehehe - You have fun w/ the ribbon & I have to say that your white kitty friends remind me of my Lil Man! He's all white too
Darby, your ribbon looks like a lot of fun. We love those dangly things too. So far our weekend has been great. Hope yours is too.
Very cute photos of a beautiful kitty ...
Darby, the thing we like the most about playing is that it makes you SO ready for those good,relaxing naps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Enjoy yours,heehee
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Lovely you are Darby, great post.
Have a nice weekend!
Cute pictures of Darby on a lazy rainy day.
Playing can be exhausting. (((((hugs))))) FAZ
fun with ribbons!
great photos
Happy Memorial Day !!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia and Tillie
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