Rusty from Rusty's World gave us this award and we are very grateful. This is how it works with this one:
1. Give five reasons why you think life is grand.
2. Pass the award on to five more blogs.
Here are our five reasons we think life is grand:
1. We have a great forever home with Mom and Pop that we share with all our brothers and sisters.
2. We have bird feeders at all our windows so we can watch the birds, squirrels and chipmunks all day long.
3. Mom gives up treats like Temptations and catnip and even Catsip too.
4. We have lots of toys to play with - so many that Mom rotates them so we seem to have new toys all the time. Our favorite is the Bizzy Kitty with the ball inside.
5. Mom told us we are going to get some salmon this week - an extra special treat. Yum..we can't wait!!!
Five blogs that I would like to give this award to:
Halloween at http://halloween-halloweenthecat.blogspot.com
Ramses, Isis and Tigmut'hep at http://ramsesmeow.blogspot.com/
JC at Lilacs and Cats http://jcatmom.blogspot.com/
Lucybelle at http://lucybellenyc.blogspot.com/
Luna, Luzie and Ollie at http://maine-coon-luna.blogspot.com/
(Sorry Mom's having troubles with her linkies again! Everybody's links are posted in our blog roll for easy access.))
Congrats on getting the Life id Grand Award. You deserve it !!!
Concats on your well deserved award!
You have very grand reasons indeed! Congrats on your award.
Congrats on your award! Ah yes, life is grand!
Congratulations on the grand award.
Hi Wildcat woods kitties and people. And a special purr to Chica, who looks just like me and is my age too.
Concats on your award and thanks so much for passing it along to me. You are such good blog pals!
Purrs and paws, Halloween
Congrats on the nice award!
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