
Monday, November 16, 2015

Georgie is Home from the ER Vet

Georgie during visiting hours
 Last week Georgie, who is diabetic,  was not herself - not eating much and just laying around. I made an appointment with the internal medicine specialist at our ER veterinary hospital for Friday.  They examined her and found her potassium low, her BUN high, her blood glucose very high and she was extremely dehydrated as well.  They kept her overnight Friday.

She was doing better by Saturday afternoon when I visited but her numbers were not down yet so she spent another night there as well.  I could tell she was feeling better  as she was more alert and eating for the techs.  We had a good visit and I felt she would come home Sunday which she did.

She preferred snuggling in my coat.

She has been eating like a trooper and acting much more herself.  I will call the vet specialist on today to find out what caused this and how we can prevent it from happening again.  Initially the vet felt that we would have to adjust her insulin but that does not seem to be the case now.  I am just happy to have my baby girl home with us.  Thank you for all the purrs and comments on our Facebook pages about Georgie.  It worked!

Jack with his nip toy in Sept.

Please keep our neighbor cat Jack, who I have mentioned in the blog often, in your purrs and prayers.  He has been missing for 15 days now - not usual for him.  We live in the woods with a few homes - theirs, ours and a couple of others.  He never went across the road.  His mom came by a few days back to ask me if I had seen him.  She seems to feel something bad happened to him.  He always came home every night.  We do have all sorts of wild animals and raptors in the woods.  I keep looking for his little face at the back screen door but it hasn't happened..  After scouring the yard and the part of the forest he usually frequented, there wasn't a trace of him or anything that looks disturbed.  I am heartbroken - he was our outdoor part time cat.  I will keep you posted

P.S. I apologize for not getting around to the Veteran's Day posts - I was assist feeding Georgie every few hours all  last week to keep her from getting fatty liver disease again.  I was so worried - all my efforts went to her.  I will try to catch up this week.


  1. I'm glad Georgie is feeling better... and heartbroken along with you that Jack has gone missing.

  2. We're very glad Georgie is home and doing well and are sending PURRS for Jack too. xx

  3. Tons of purrs and purrayers to Georgie and to Jack.

    We've discovered that everything happens on FB, apparently.

  4. So glad Georgie is feeling better, she's lucky to have such a loving, caring Mommy/family...Purrs and prayers for her continued recovery and for Jack coming home safely...Our Mommy understands how devastating a disappearing outdoor fur baby can be and wish the best for Jack and his loved ones...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki, Mommy Cat, Daddy Cat

  5. We're so glad to hear that Georgie is home. Hopefully the specialist will be able to get her regulated so she continues to feel well.

  6. We are glad Georgie is home and feeling better!! We hope your vet has some good advice for preventing this from happening in the future, too.
    Purrs <3

  7. So glad Georgie is feeling a bit better! And many purrs to Jack.

  8. So Glad that Georgie us home. So sorry that Jack is missing. It is so frustrating when they go missing. Sometimes they come back and sometimes they don't. But I still feel like they are much happier being outside.

  9. We hope Georgie will soon be back feeling her usual self now she is back at home with you and also happy to hear she is eating well again. Take care.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  10. Georgie, here's wishing things start working out well for you! I cannot imagine how Jack's person feels, and I'm sending prayers out for his return soon.

  11. We are so happy that sweet Georgie is back home, that's terrific! We do hate that Jack hasn't been seen, that's super sad.

  12. It is great that Georgie is home and hope she is well and back to normal soon xxx Sending purrs that Jack will turn up ok!!

  13. We're glad Georgie is home and we're purring that she continues to improve. We're sorry to hear that Jack has not come home. Purrs to his family.

  14. So glad Georgie feels better. Sometimes a small thing, like a little indigestion and missing most of a meal or two, can be magnified in an older kitty or one with a metabolic disorder like diabetes, not to mention a kitty with both. We hope she stays on the level--my household looks at her in awe because she's...white.

    We do hope Jack comes home. More than half the ferals who go missing from colonies return after even a month or two. Likely they've been eating elsewhere or, chased by something, they ended up far enough away from where they started they have a difficult time getting back. We hope this is the case.

  15. Happy news George is home, but oh no! Praying for Jack's safe return

  16. st francis' blessings to ewe georgie N ewe az well jack; georgie for health & plentee N jack...that ya findz yur way home dood...we hope thiz week ternz inta a grate week with total awesum mews for both yur momz ~~~ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

  17. Weez glad Georgie is back home and duin' better. Weez sendin' purrayers fur all of ya' and fur Jack.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  18. Poor baby...I'm so glad she's feeling better! Many purrs for sweet Georgie and Jack.

  19. Yay about Georgie!! Hope Jack comes back home very soon.

  20. We is happy to hear that Georgie is feeling better. Sending our purrs that Jack is found safe and sound.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  21. YAY Georgie! So glad you are home and we pray you continue to feel better! We also pray for Jackie too xoxo

  22. Hooray for Georgie! We are purring and praying for her continued health. So sad about Jack ... we are wishing, purring and praying ... come home soon, Jack!

  23. I am glad Georgie is home and I will add Jack to my prayers.


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