
Thursday, June 11, 2015

Thankful Georgie is Home

 Guess what?  I am home!!!  I got home Tuesday and I feel a lot better but Mom says I still have to eat more so I can get this tube out of me.  I don't remember much of my hospital stay cuz I was so sick that I was out of it.  But I knew when my humans came to visit every day and perked up.  The top photo is me waiting for my discharge papers.  Boy was I relieved to go home.

 I didn't even mind having to go into the PTU!

 It was Once I got home it was a lot of activity - the beans had to learn to feed me with my tube. Pop actually did the food warming and syringing since he is a chef and is used to making sure food is a good temperature for me.  It does feel funny not to be eating and having the sensation of food going down my esophagus and into my tummy.  This photo is me chilling after all the food, and medications.

Woody photo bombed this shot.

Mom put me in my own room but I got over the gate no problem.  So the gate will no longer be up - they don't want me to hurt myself trying to get out.  I get a buffet of food to choose from everyday.  I am picky and will eat maybe one food a little bit.  Mom is upset cuz she thinks this is why I got this fatty liver thing.  I would rather not eat at all than have something I don't like!  Anyone else have a kitty like that?  Mom would like some suggestions....

This is me right now sleeping after the whole ordeal of feeding me and then changing my bandage.  The beans did good though, right?  Thanks you all for thinking of me and purring and praying for my recovery.  I know it worked. 
My vet bill was very very took a lot out of our beans savings to pay it and we need to get some back in our kitty care fund.  With 18 of us cats, it is not easy to come up with green stuff to pay bills.  If you could share our donation page - it would help us so much!


  1. Oh, sweetie, you're breaking our human's heart. We're so glad you're home and are sending tons of purrs and purrayers that you start eating enough on your own, so you can get that tube out. Kitty kisses from us and smooches from our biped.

  2. We sure are glad you are home too Georgie and you really need to start eating soon.

  3. I am SO glad you're home, Georgie! I hope you get back to eating more again so that you can continue to get healthy - and eventually get that tube out!

  4. We are so delighted you are back home with your Mom and Dad Georgie. Now just try eating Georgie and make your Mom and Dad happy.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  5. Weez so glad yous back home and feelin' sum better. Mommy sez yous oughtta twy sum of dat Gerber ham and ham gravy baby food maybe as a topper. Since it not be a balanced kitty diet yous can't have just dat furever lessin' yous hooman adds sum taurine to it. But sumtimes as a topper it be enuff. And sis Lexi found at BlogPaws dat she weally luvved da Weruva bwand noms. They be spensive, but oh so yummy. She stawrted eatin' weal good once mommy gave her dat. She weally luvs da Cats in da kitchen pouches, but da cans be gweat too. And sumtimes mommy spwinkles a little nip over da top of our meals to keep us eatin'. And then there's also eevew egg whites (cooked of course) or Astro's Protein Powder dat will give yous protein and stop da weight loss. And da Astro's be okay fur yous liver purrawlems. Ifin yous innewested in buyin' it, yous can visit this site and email Dr. Edmund. We fink dat be da addwess. Ifin it dusn't work yous can google Atro's and it'll take ya there or email us and mommy can get ya' da info. weez'll keep ya' in our purrayers.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  6. so glad yoo r home and feelin better, yoo needs to eat, purring fur a full and quick recovery

  7. Georgie, tell your humans that our kitties like nutritional yeast on their wet food...something about it really attracts them to it, and they eat food as they lick the yeast! Maybe it will help you eat more, Georgie? We've also sprinkled canned Parmesan cheese on wet food, when we switched from all kibble to all canned. Angel would not eat the canned food, but she did once we sprinkled parmesan cheese on it! Now nutritional yeast does the same thing.

  8. Georgie, we are so glad that you are back home again. I bet you will start eating when you get rested up from being in that darn hospital. Hope you eat soon.

  9. We are so happy you are home, Georgie. You need to quit being picky and eat.

    For your pawrents: At the shelter, we often add very warm water to canned food to make a thick sauce mixture. Due to the age of many cats, they are fed only minced canned food. The warmer food and easy lapping encourages picky cats to eat. At home, I've added meat baby food to canned food. If your canned food is in "chunks" you might try pureeing it--may need to add a bit of liquid. I use an small inexpensive electric chopper for that. Last but not least, try a variety of new foods--just purchase single cans to see if any spark Georgie's interest. Good luck :)

  10. OH beautiful Georgie we are so so so glad you are home and happy. We can see the relief on your face! And we know your Mom and Dad are so happy too. We are purring you find a food that you just can't wait to eat.

  11. We're so glad you're home, Georgie ! But please, don't be so picky ! Purrs

  12. Me and my furbabies are so happy that Georgie is home! Now, Georgie, you just need to eat up! Purrs, barks, and prayers still being sent your way!

  13. georgie...we iz MEGA happee ewe iz home frum de place oh eeeevil....
    knot that it troo lee IZ eeeeeevil, but ewe noe what we meen....N we noe ewe due knot want to bee cooped up; but ask yur mom ta feed ewe in a room by yurself without brotherz N sisturrs around & see if that will help ya gt bak inta de swing oh far az eatin on yur own ♥♥♥♥ more blessing frum frank headed yur way ♥♥♥♥

  14. Sweet Georgie, I can only imagine how happy you are (and your mom & dad too) to be home. I wonder if you would like baby food meat such as ham, turkey or chicken (no added ingredients but the meat). In the past I've had picky kitties love that. I sure hope you start eating.

  15. It's so good to hear you're home, Georgie! Now you need to work on eating so you feel better soon. We are all pulling for you.

  16. We are so glad you are home, Georgie! Please try to eat, okay? We love you, and are purring and praying for you.


  17. We will keep sending our purrs that you feel better and the beans find a food you will eat. We is so happy you are home, but we bet your beans and fursibs are even happier!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  18. We're so happy that you are home. We hope that you can relax now and start to eat on your own. Yes, the beans did VERY good!

    The Florida Furkids

  19. Very glad you are home. I will keep praying for you.

  20. We will share the donation page for you. We wishes we could do more. We are so glad you are feeling better.

    When Socks first came home from Medvet she gave him whatever he would eat which means he got lots of cat milk, cheese and chicken. Because it was real important he eat no matter what it was. Then they had to transition him to just eating the y/d food.

  21. I am very glad to see you looking perky, Georgie. The Human says when her kitties (well, only me right now, but there have been many others!) didn't want to eat, most of then could not resist Gerber's chick-hen or turkey or beef. She's also had some luck with Royal Canin Kitten Food (little cans like Fancy Feast--soft and digestible though prolly high calorie). We have fingers and paws crossed that you will start eating more!

  22. We are thrilled you are HOME!!! Has your Mom tried Fortiflora? Kona is THE picky eater and it works for her.

    I.M. us on FB--we could send you a few packets to try.

  23. Georgie, I am so so glad you are home. Much love to you sweet girl.

  24. PepiSmartDog: welcome home Georgie!
    You did so well to make such a recovery. Wishing you a speedy recovery and hope you can get back to eating and swallowing again real soon.
    Your doing a great job fighting back.
    Good job to your humans too, for al their hard work and nursing of you.

    Thank you for joining last weeks Thankful Thursday Blog Hop. We always love reading your posts and hope to see you next week too. *waves paw* :=o)


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