
Saturday, June 6, 2015

Georgie Update

 Thank you all for the purrs, comments and graphics for Georgie.  She is still with us but has a long road ahead. When the internal medicine specialist did blood work, she found her liver enzymes high and in the untrasound, Georgie's liver was enlarged.  The vet asked to do a needle aspirate to find out if it was liver disease or cancer.  I took this photo above, thinking it may be the last time I saw her sweet face. 

My husband and I had decided that if it was cancer (most likely lymphoma) we would not pursue any treatment. If it was a liver disease then we would go ahead with a feeding tube and continue the treatment..  It was so very upsetting to leave her there not knowing what the outcome would be.  We kissed her goodbye and went home feeling very sad and helpless.  As we pulled into our town, the most beautiful rainbow appeared in front of us with both ends visible!  Don and I chased the rainbow in the car like two kids on a scavenger hunt, looking for the pot of gold.  I took it as a good sign for Georgie.

We got the call from the vet saying that it was fatty liver disease and that she did put the feeding tube in.  Georgie will be monitored at the vet for as long as it takes to get all her blood values up to normal.  Then she can come home with us, using the feeding tube until she eats on her own.  Her being diabetic complicates this even more but we are up for the challenge.

We are very hopeful that she will recover as she is only 9 years old and has much of her life left to live.  Our bills have accumulated substantially and we have set up a  page to help us.  Even a dollar from each of our readers helps us tremendously!  With 17 other senior cats, many with special medical needs, this expense, however worth it,  puts us in the hole for the others.

Please share this link  - Georgie's Fund


  1. So sorry to hear Georgie has fatty liver disease, but relieved it's not cancer. Sending purrs and very best wishes to her. xx

  2. We're so relieved that it's not cancer. We're sending loads of healing purrs and prayers out to Georgie for a quick, easy and FULL recovery.

    The Florida Furkids

  3. We are continuing to purr for dear Georgie and think of you often. Prayers for you and your husband as we know it's been a long long haul.

  4. Thanks for the update. We think of sweet Georgie often and send her healing purrs. We has our paws crossed she will be home eating on her own soon.

  5. Have made a donation. I hope this helps! Good luck, Georgie!

  6. Poor Georgie. We're continuing to send purrs and purrayers and hope she'll soon be well enough at least to go home. Hugs and universal Light.

    Kim, Nicki and Derry

  7. Cannot imagine how hard it was to leave Geography without kniwing. Your love for her is inspirational, and I will keep sending purrs for her.

  8. Purrs and prayers to you sweet Georgie. We know the Mom will take the best care of you.

  9. I am purring for Georgie and hope she can soon come back home to you.

  10. We sends our purrs for Georgie. We hopes she is home soon.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  11. Poor Georgie. She sure has been through a lot lately. We're purring mega purrs for her.

  12. Sending lots of healing purrs that she is better soon.

  13. I am sending LOTS of purrs to Georgie! I'm so glad that her troubles are the lesser of two evils, and with your help, I'm sure she'll recover, even if it will take a while.

  14. Mee-you Georgie gurl mee name iss Siddhartha Henry an mee iss frum Thee Purrfect Pad. Mee an LadyMum iss purrin an purrayin fur you to get bettur soon. Yur such a brave gurl fightin thee livurr disease.
    Yur way too young fur Pure Land so stay with all yur furamillee an furendss ok?
    Yurss sinseerlee, Purrince Siddhartha Henry an LadyMum

  15. We are sending our biggest purrs, prayers and good thoughts to Georgie. We hope she will be home with you and feeling better again very soon.

  16. That was definitely a sign. I can make a small donation and I will make it my ROAR for this Wednesday to spread the word. I will keep praying too.

  17. Sending many purrs and hoping Georgie is feeling better soon!

  18. ohhhh sweet Georgie - we know fatty liver is a tough one to beat, but it's EVER so much better than the Evil "C"! Purring hard for you!!!

  19. We're glad to read it's not a cancer ! We send Georgie tons of healing purrs ! Purrs

  20. We just donated and shared. The rainbow is a sign of good luck for sure.
    9 is much too young to lose a kitty. Cody will be 9 next year, I cannot imagine how we would feel.
    I also know how the vet bills add up. You are right, if every person donated $1 that would be a HUGE help!!!
    Sending purrs and prayers

  21. We're sending lots of hugs and purrs your way. I lost a newly adopted cat to fatty liver disease. I'd only had him about 10 days. He was a big fat cat and the rescue was unaware he wasn't eating. I know you still have a battle on your hands. Wishing you and sweet Georgie the best.

  22. We send purrs to Georgie.
    While this is serious, it is better than cancer.
    We will keep sending until Georgie is well again.
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  23. We are sorry that Georgie has a difficult road ahead, but we are so glad that you and the vet have a course of action to help her. We are sending purrs and prayers that she will be okay. Hugs to you all.

  24. georgie...while fatty liver iz knot sew good, we iz mega happee for ewe de diagnoziz waz knot de nastee azz C werd...we told R pal St Francis if he haz sparez oh hiz own spares, ta send em yur way; sew along with purryerz a plente; we send ewe st francis' blessings az well for a compleet ree coveree ree & hope yur home like sooner N soon ♥♥♥♥♥


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