
Thursday, July 25, 2013

Al Got A Spa Day!


I am hot, my furs are getting mats and I can't take it anymore.  I want a spa day!

I am on a hunger strike until I get one!

I got one too!  Mom called the mobile groomer and set up an appointment for me for a bath, cut, eye and ear wash, nail trim - the works!  She was worried I would not be a good patient cuz I am deaf but I loved it.

 Here is the AFTER shot.  Sorry I am sleepy.  Mom gave me a calming homeopathic remedy just in case I was naughty for the groomer.

 What do ya think?  Mom didn't want a lion cut but this is a kinda close shave - I got my hiney shaved and my belly to keep me cool and clean.

I think I did pretty good and look very handsome after the spa day!


  1. Sweet and beautiful Al! You look just perfect with your trim and spa day fix! Yay!! Take care

  2. Hi Al! You look terrific (we thought you looked great before too!) and we bet you feel ever so much cooler. Our human used to have angel Chumley's butt and belly shaved a few times a year. He looked a bit odd, fur-wise, but he sure felt better!

  3. Doesn't it feel GOOD?!?!?!?

    We love getting our summer shaves!

    Yr nood buddies, Maui & John

  4. Oh Al, I bet you feel so much better after your wonderful hair cut and bath. What nice peeps to get that done for you. Now you will be so nice and cool.Take care.

  5. Al you look really nice.
    Our Dad recently got a clipper for his head and he has been eyeing our furry fellow Rumpy. He needs another hiney trim too.
    Purrs Al

  6. Al you look wonderful and it must feel wonderful with your furs being shorter. You must feel so cool and you look a million dollars.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  7. I think you look really cool now , Al !
    Here in Sweden it´s not so hot and we do have a AC in our apartment that we can use if it is :)

  8. Al we all think you look very handsome!

  9. You look terrific Al and I am glad you are feeling better!

  10. Wow, you look so comfy after your spa day :)

    I want to know what that stuff is your mommy gave you. I could use some of it on Jenna!

  11. You look cooler already! We think that look is much more becoming than a lion cut, especially on a fair cat like you!

  12. Al, you look great! And we know you'll feel so much better now that you've had your spa day!

  13. Whoa! Good for you! I think I need one too. MOL!

  14. Oh you are so handsome! So glad to learn you loved your spa treatment.
    What a fantastic looking cat you are!

    Pet lovers please check out my homeless cat blog archives for some fun and informative posts and archived stories about the cat abandoned/feral colony I manage.

    Debby in Prescott Valley, Arizona

  15. Al you look much better and surely you must feel better now. Thick coats are hard work in this heat. You are lucky you have a mobile groomer who is skilled with cats.

    Stay cool fella

    Gerry & Mungo

  16. I think you look beeeeeaaauuuutiful!
    Love, Cody

  17. You look great, Al! We are glad you got that spa day, and that you are so much more comfortable now. :)

  18. I hope that helps you feel cooler, Al!

  19. You look so handsome! I'll bet it feels good to be clean and have your furs trimmed.

  20. Beautiful cat. She looks just like the one I lost to Cat Heaven many years ago.

  21. You are absolutely blindingly white and stunning. We bet our mom wishes that we had a mobile groomer around here 'cause Giulietta sure needs one. Her fur coat could keep an eskimo warm on a sub-zero day. Dad has had to cut a couple of mats off her. Enjoy your sleek summer hairdo. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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