
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Too Many Cats???

 Pop was trying to watch TV the other night and he had to share his seat with one, two, three...wait four cats!

 Ivy was right next to him.  Then Tabitha and finally Woody. (Wherever Tabitha is, Woody is.)

And Darby was precariously perched on the arm of the sofa, behind Pop. Don't think we have enough seats in our house for us and Pop!  Do you take over the seats in your house too?

P.S. Mom is joining in on 365 project - a photo a day group.  She will be posting them on her other blog here if you want to check out her pics. 


  1. hee hee! we take over the seats and make our mom sit on the floor :D and there are only four of us!
    Cats rule!

    Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie

  2. Awww that's adorable. A real cuddle pile with a human.

  3. Ha! There can never be too many cats! :)

  4. Not only the sofa, but the bed, the chairs, etc etc etc...

    We love all you kitties cuddling with your Pop!

  5. Of course you have enough seats...just pile on Pop!

    The Florida Furkids

  6. We love how pop is truly loved! Purrs!

  7. Though there are only two of us, we do manage to take over the entire couch and the human's bed too. Of course.

  8. One may never have too many cats sharing the sofa!! ADORABLE!! Take care

  9. We makes the people sit on the floor sometimes because they don't have a seat that isn't full of a cat.

  10. What do you know, that looks just like our house except more cats. Isn't it fun. They are all such good company. Hope all of you have a great day.

  11. There's always a couple of chairs free in our house as we both sit on Mum!!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  12. I would be in "Kitty Heaven!!" I just have one cat and one dog...Cody tends to sit next to me or on my shoulder on the couch :)

  13. That looks like a comfy pile to me! We sometimes let the peeps share the good seats!

  14. Of course, we all know there could never be too many cats!!...Adorable kitty pile...Happy week ahead, lovely friends...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki, Mommy Cat, Daddy Cat

  15. guys...noe....not knot enuff kittehs !!!

  16. He is lucky that they allowed him to share THEIR seat.

  17. You can NEVER have too many cats. Besides, it looks to us like there is plenty of room on Pop!

  18. That is a lot of cats, but it looks like if full of warmth and affection. And we love the visual of the kitty pile :)

  19. Whoa! That doesn't look like Pop! Oh, your Pop is named Pop also.

  20. As soon as a human gets up we steal their warm seat. The only place we pile on is in the bed. Your kits sure do love their dad. It is so sweet to see. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  21. That is so funny. Our Dad has me against his leg, Toby on his hip, Buddy behind him, Rumpy and Buttons next to him sharing a pillow. Another day in paradise for our lucky hoomans


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