
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Happy Easter!

Oh the indignities us kitties are subjected to!!! 
It is me, Tabitha, here to day to wish you a very Happy Easter.
(Mine will be better once I get the bunny ears off.)

Since Easter falls so early this year, we have only daffodils in our yard to share with you.  
But spring is coming...or so we hear.

Wishing you a day overflowing with all good things 
for Easter and for spring!


  1. We hope our mom doesn't get any ideas from your picture.

  2. Oh, Tabitha, she didn't. Okay, we can see she did. We feel your pain.

    Happy Easter, and may your treat basket be overflowing, especially after that nonsense with the bunny ears! :-)

  3. Oh dear....your Mom found some of those we mean really cute ears too. We totally understand how you feel.

    Happy Easter!!
    The Florida Furkids

  4. Sweet Tabitha you sure cooperated nicely when your mom put those bunny ears on you. We would never sit still for such as that here. You do look cute though. Happy Easter to all of you! Hugs and nose kisses

  5. Tabitha, I am SO glad there are no bunny ears here! Out here in southern California, the one daffodil in our yard has already seen its flowes come and go!

  6. Well, at least it's not totally on your head, just kinda leaning there... But no one would blame you if there was a little nippy when she removed it! MOL
    Have a wonderful Easter!

  7. Gasp! You poor girl. What we don't go through for our nutty humans.

  8. You look very pretty sweet Tabitha! Happy Easter dear friends!

  9. Those are cute bunny ears, but i know how you feel... Happy Easter, effryone!

  10. Oh Tabitha! We feel your pain.

    Happy Easter to you all!!

  11. Uh oh the ears of shame and those don't look like the Photoshopped kind like my hats were. Happy Easter!

  12. We have seen more poor kitties enduring the indignity of bunny ears since Mom has been blogging. Easter will soon be over, thank cat. We only have daffodils so far as well, but any bright spot is appreciated. Happy easter. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Misty May, Mauricio, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

  13. Our human laughed at your picture, Tabitha.
    Happy Easter! Purrs!

  14. What a good girl you are Tabitha to wear those ears. You do look so cute with them thought and we like your little friend too. Hope all of you have a wonderful Easter. Take care.

  15. That photo is just the CUTEST THING EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE IT!

  16. Tabitha you looks lovely but we thinks the bunny ears are bigger then you are. Love all the spring flowers. Hoppy Easter.

  17. Wishing you a hippity, hoppity, happity Easter! Have fun with the Acro-Cats! :)

  18. Happy Easter to you all - Tabitha we are cringing for you and those ears.
    What is up with these humans - we will have to step up our training and make them behave better in future.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  19. sorry you got the short straw, Tabitha! That is a very cute picture though :) Daffydillos are one of our fav'rite flowers. Happy Easter!

    Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie

  20. Oh, Tabitha, if it's any consolation, you look so precious there. Happy Easter to you and the kitties and your mom too!

  21. Tabitha, you do NOT look amused (we would not be either!)


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