
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Fly Free Herman

Our dear friend Herman from Herman's Hideaway has left for the Bridge.  He had FIV and Feline Leukemia. His Mom said he just fell asleep and woke up at the Bridge this morning..  We wish he did not leave so soon but what a lovely way to go.

We will miss him very much but he has a good life with his Mom and his friends and family will greet him at the Rainbow Bridge.

Please so by to see his Mom.  His Gotcha Day was coming up soon too.


  1. We're so sad about Herman. We do agree that he left in the best possible way but it had to be a shock for Karen Jo.

    The Florida Furkids

  2. Sad, sad, sad. At least our dear friend left on his own terms.

  3. I was so sad to heat the news. I agree it was the best way to just sleep away but so awful for Karen Jo. Hugs GJ x

  4. We were sorry to hear this too.
    We are glad he did not suffer and seems to have passed quietly. We sent his Mom comforting purrs.

    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Tiger,Treasure,JJ and Julie

  5. To fall asleep and not wake up...that is a very peaceful way to leave this earth.

  6. Thank you so much for this beautiful post. I added it up and Herman lived with me for a little more than half his life, which means he had more happy times in his life than bad times and that comforts me.

  7. We are so sad about our friend Herman's passing. We will miss him, and love him always.

  8. I'm sad for Herman's humans on his loss. And sorry that he crossed the bridge, but passing in his sleep was the best way to go.

    Hugs and purrs to his humans.

  9. I was shocked and saddened to hear about Herman today. At least he went quickly, and did not suffer.

  10. It is so so sad about Herman but it is so nice that he just died so easily. Take care.

  11. We were sad to hear about Herman but at least he knew love from Mom Karen Jo.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  12. Thank you so much for telling us this. We went over and sent them our purrs and condolences...Fly free, Herman....

  13. We are so tired of saying good-bye. It's just too sad. We know Karen Jo is hurting.


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