
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Birthday Marg!!!!

Thanks to Ann of Zoolatry for this great graphic!

Today our post is honoring a very special lady - our friend Marg who writes the blog Marg's Pets.  Marg writes about  all her rescued animals - her cats, dogs and donkeys.  If it wasn't for her, many of these animals would be homeless  and struggling to survive on their own.  These animals are lucky to have her in their lives and so are we.  Most of you will recall Mom and Pop got to meet Marg and her critters last fall.  Marg is kind, caring, thoughtful, funny, a good listener and a wonderful friend.  Happy Birthday dear friend!  They don't make them better than you!

Pop with Smoke, one of Marg's beloved miniature donkeys.

Yummy cake...

Marg, you are invited to teleport over here for a party! We have set up a special celebration featuring Marg's favorite character - Eeyore!  We have an Eeyore cake for all, ice cream, and Eeyore ears for all to wear.   We can even play pin the tail on Eeyore the donkey!!  Have fun everyone and join in the party!

ice cream....

Eeyore ears to wear...

and pin-the-tail-on-Eeyore!

Marg's Orange Boyz says fill up my bowl!


  1. We love Marg...and we wish her Happy Birthday too!!

  2. That is so cool! Me will celebrate too!

  3. Awwwwww what a great way to celebrate gorgeous Marg's birthday -she truly is a wonderful twinkly shiny star! Take care

  4. What a great party.
    I's gonna put on mine Eeyore Ears and head on over.
    And let effurryone know that the party for Marg is here.
    We love Marg, we don't know what the Cat Blogosphere would do wifout hers.
    Happy Birfday to Marg.

  5. Wow, thanks so much for this. What a great graphic. I so appreciate all the kind words. Actually I am speechless. Imagine that. Take care. It was great fun talking to you yesterday. Take care.

  6. Happy Birthday to a special lady.. HUgs GJ xx

  7. We're wishing Marg a fabulous birthday! And we're also wishing there were more humans like her on this planet!

  8. Happy Birthday to Marg. She is a wonderful lady.

  9. Adorable post, happy birthday to sweet Marg!
    Luna - WE LOVE LUNA

  10. Isn't this great fun surprising such a wonderful lady!

  11. Happy Birthday Marg - you are one in a million.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  12. Happy Birthday to Marg, truly one special lady!

  13. MOL Kitties ice cream, donkey ears and good times. I think I'll hop on my magic tram to your house for Ms. Marg's party.
    Hugs madi

  14. Happy purrday Marg!

  15. Oh we SO 'greez wif you about Marg. We luffs her, and her donkeys too ;-)

    Great post today!

    Oh, and Hoppy Belated Easter, too!

  16. We think Marg is wonderful and have already sent her our birthday wishes. Our mom had the pleasure of meeting Marg in person recently.

    Truffle and Brulee

  17. Oh, noooo! We missed Marg's birthday! Glad you threw her such a lovely party!

  18. I wish he the very very best ever and I hope her birthday was special. I would love to meet her.

    I will ask about coconut oil. xoxox

  19. That was awesome. Marg is just the best, and we are glad that she had such a special day. :)

  20. She's a nice lady, and if she doesn't want that ice-cream, we'd be glad to help out!

  21. Happy (belated) birthday, Marg.

    Marg's orange boy is SUPER DUPER handsome!!!

  22. We LOVE Marg!

    Hi friends! :waves paw:
    Thanks so much for stopping by and wishing us a happy purrthday!



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