
Monday, May 16, 2011

Thankful Tuesday

Chica sleeping.
Chica ate some of her breakfast Monday morning before we went to the vet's for more fluids.  She has eaten a little of her food plate every few hours since and seems much more comfortable.  We would like to thank all of your for your purrs and prayers for her these past few days.  We hope she has made it past this crisis and continues to stabilize.  It does help to know that you all care and are there for us.

Mom was pooped too so took a nap with six of us piled on the bed with her.  Front to back is Tabitha, Joey, Ivy under the red blankie, Darby and Minnie at the end of the bed.  Off by herself is our dear tortie princess Chica resting comfortably after fluids.  Woody joined the pile later but scooted off when the flashy box came out.

Ivy snuggled under.

Mom will be by to visit and thank you all in the next few days.  Don't you just love the mismatched fleece Mom has on the bed?  The Tweety bird one scares some of the cats.  Woody kept pouncing on the big yellow spots!  Have you got any funny or colorful covers for your furniture?


  1. We are all sending our best purrs to sweet Chica, we hope you feel better sweet one and keep eating!

  2. I'm glad to hear that Chica is doing better - I am continuing to purr for her!

  3. Oh we're glad Chica is eating some!! We hope she continues to improve.

  4. Sending lots of good thoughts and warm hugs!
    xo Catherine & Banjo

    PS ~ oh to be curled up on that bed with all that furry goodness ~ adorable!!!

  5. Such good news for Chica. We giggled at the kitty pile in bed, it's like us with our Mommy! We love the shocking pink fleece blankie on her bed.

  6. We are so glad to hear Chica is doing better! We will keep on purring and praying, just to be sure. :)

  7. Our best purrs and wishes for the little one.

    Love the pictures of the clowder, and the blankie as well.

    Rest well Chica, and make sure you eat really good.

    Love from Buddy Bear, MikiCato, Rowdy, Miss Princess, Tegar, and Miss Smokey. Oh, and the Beans, Lisa and Roy, as well.

  8. Awwwwww sweet and wonderful Chica! Please please please rest and get better and eat! Me and Charlie are sending you tons and tons of purrs and hugs!!!

    Awww we just love the kitty pile on mum!! How adorable!!!

    Take care

  9. I'm purring and sending love to sweet Chica!
    Luna - WE LOVE LUNA

  10. We're glad Chica is feeling better and will continue to send purrs and universal Light.

    With six of you piled on the bed, we're not sure how there would be room for your mom. LOL.

    P.S. We think it's funny the tweety birds scare some of you! Probably they'd scare Derry too. :-P

  11. We are so thankful that Chica is doing better......we continue purraying for her.

    What a wonderful bed full!!!!!!!!!!

    Love to all of you.

  12. We are pleased to hear that Chica is eating some of her food - we hope she keeps eating more and more.
    Loved you all on the bed making sure your mom didn't sneak off without you knowing!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  13. It doesn't matter if anything don't match as long as all are together with lots of love.
    We glad Chica is eating. Sending lots of appetite stimulant purrs to Chica.

    Our human did not feel like blogging this week. We may be back next week, hopefully.

  14. I'm so happy that Chica is doing better. Prayers for her to get back to full health soon.

    Hey mom - did you have room to move when you took a nap?! :-)

  15. Glad Chica is doing a little better. We sure are sending lots more purrs and good thoughts and prayers. Hope she continues to improve. Take care.

  16. Me is happy that Chica is feeling better. Me will keep opurraying for all of yous

  17. We love napping with kitties! I only have two or three sleep with me during the night and almost always Penny. When I nap, it is usually me joining them :).

    We have a pink Little Mermaid comforter on Snafu's bed/couch. He loves it because it is slippery on one side and runs back and forth across it, ruffling it up into a ball!

    So glad to see Chica doing better! Our purrs and prayers continue!

    ~Lisa Co9T

  18. We are continuing our purrs for Chica, but we are so glad she is better and we know that makes you feel better as well!

    >^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^< >^..^<
    Abby Ping Jinx Boo Gracie

  19. We are so glad that Chica was eating and feeling better. Hopefully she will keep improving and keep eating so she will feel herself again. WE are still sending lots of purrs and prayers.

  20. Continued healing purrs from my fur gang. Nothing makes us happier than seeing a bed full of cats.

  21. Chica, you precios girl..Mommy and I are so holding upi up and hoping you will get better and better. Mommy loves Torties (I wonder why!?) and as a Tortie myself, I have special interest in prring hard for you. xoxox

  22. Chica we are so sorry to read you have been feeling poorly. Thank goodness you seem to be perking up a tad. Rest is good for you and eat lots of small meals. My 2 legged sis's cat has IBD so we understand how sometimes kitties just feel bad and don't want to eat.

    hugs Madi

  23. I'm very glad to hear Chica is doing better. A nap on the bed with a pile of felines sounds divine to this C.C.L.

  24. .. glad Chica seems more comfortable ..the nap time looks really fun and comfy!

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  25. We're glad Chica is feeling better! We think the pile of kitties on the bed is just too adorable!

  26. Feel better Chica. Hugs and purrs.


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