
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Tortie Tuesday - Holiday Spirit

It's me...Chica today.  We want to apologize for not posting or visiting for a few days. Mom keeps saying she has lost her Christmas spirit...and we have been helping her look for it.  We have looked everywhere but nothing has turned up.

Mom got a lot of sad news the past week - her friend Emily is very sick from her cancer treatment, Pop's sister in law Laura lost her Dad, Mom's Uncle Ray died and then this one sent Mom over the edge - her friend Nancy died unexpectedly from a heart attack.  Nancy was only a few years older than Mom!  This is the second friend Mom lost this year  - both from heart attacks and so young. Kinda scary.

Anyway - Mom is doing a little better and we will keep trying to find her spirit. Just remember to tell your loved ones how much you do love them, all the time, every day - don't wait cuz you never know what can happen.  Chica signing out!

P.S. Solstice Blessings to all of you - the days will be getting longer now!  Yay!


  1. Oh my Chica!! I wish I were there to help your Mom right now. I am so deeply, deeply sorry!! (((((hugs))))) to your Mom. I pray she will be given the strength to get through this most difficult time.
    Please tell your Mom she is in all of our hearts and thank her for the reminder that we need to tell everyone special to us that we love them....we LOVE YOU!!

  2. We are so sorry to hear you have had so much loss. If anyone can help you find your Christmas spirit again it is all your beautiful kitties! When I look into my cat's trusting, innocent faces it is difficult not to feel joy. Hold tight to them and to your loved ones and you will get through this difficult time. And know there are lots of people out in the CB who care about you :-)

  3. Please tell your mommy that we are here with her and send her love and purray for a peaceful heart for her.

  4. Your poor mom - such bad time for her - give her lots of cuddles, snuggles and kisses to show her you care.

  5. Purrs and Light and (((hugs))) to your mom...and to the family and friends of everyone who has passed.

    The holidays are a difficult time of year and we're so sorry for all the losses and illness.

    It's okay if your mom doesn't find her holiday spirit this year--understandable. Tell her she needs to give herself permission to just Be however she needs to be.

    Solstice blessings to you all too.

  6. oh sweet Chica, please tell your mommy that I'm sending lots of love and lights to her heart, I hope she is feeling better today.So many sad news in the past few days.
    My mommy and I are always thinking of you!
    purrs and love

  7. Chica, please give your Mom some big hugs from all of us.The holidays are a really tough time when you lose a friend or someone is sick. Anyway we are sending tons of purrs, woofs, heehaws and a Baa. Take care all of you.

  8. We are so sorry to hear about all those losses. There is never a right time to lose someone you love ~ but when they are young and death is unexpected it is even harder than usual. Blessings and love to your mom ~ take good care of her.

  9. Tell your Mom that I am so sorry for all the loss this year. It's always good to think a while when these things happen. Each moment should be enjoyed. We just forget sometimes.

    Tell her that it's the Spirit of the Season that is fun. The sparkle of the trees. The children when they visit Santa. The singing and the whiteness (not driving in it though). There is always sadness but always something to keep us going.

    Thinking of you and hoping that you can find the simple things to brighten your days.

  10. Oh Chica
    We are deeply sorry that your Mom is going through such sadness. We will keep her in our purrs. Just continue to give her your love and soft purry rumbles and it will help her heart heal.


  11. We are so sorry to hear about your Mom's friends! Our Mom says that torties all have a bit of magic (as we're sure you know well, Chica) so we think you need to help your Mom feel better with a little bit of tortie magic!

  12. We are purraying for your sweet can really be tough at times.

    We hope it will help her to know that we care very, very, very much...and we send our love, purrs, hugs and purrayers her way.

    You are one gorgeous gal, Chica!!!!!!!

  13. Oh Dear. We are purring very hard for your Mom to regain a little Holiday Cheer, sometimes it's very hard. We are so sorry for her losses.

    We are sending our love and happy thoughts to your Mom. Make sure she gets plenty of kitty time and rest. Holidays can be stressful and she needs to take care of herself.

  14. Oh me and Charlie are so sorry to hear about your mum's friends and family. We are sending her tons of purrs!! We are so glad you are there to help her sweet Chica - we hope that you give her lots of kitty snuggles! Take care

  15. Sorry to hear about all your moms loses. You must give her extra lovings over this christmas, she needs it!

  16. I can see why your human is having a hard time finding any spirit right now! Give her some purrs and headbutts from me.

  17. We're sending big time purrs and prayers to your Mom. It always seems that bad stuff happens in bunches. Mom says 2010 was the pits and she hopes 2011 is better for effurybuddy.

    The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

  18. Lots of purrs and hugs to you. There is good news on my blog when you feel up to it, Moosie got her home.

  19. We are sorry that your mom has gotten so much bad news lately...'specially losing her close friend. Please give her some headbutts from us. We know she could use them.

  20. Oh goodness, Chica, we're so very sorry for all of your mom's losses and bad news. One of those things happening would be tough, but all of them so close together does become unbearable. We hope you kitties are on your best behavior for a while. We're sending purrs your way.

    Your friends, Fuzzy and Zoe (and mom Jana)

  21. We are sending lots of loving and comforting purrs to you and your family and your mom. Hugs!

  22. What a bad year this has been. Hope you find that Christmas spirit...

  23. Me and My Hairy Slobbery Sisters and my Mommy and Daddy are sending lots of love thoughts to your Mommy and yous! We empathize. This has been a bad year for us too.
    My philosophy is:
    Live Simply
    Speak Kindly
    Care Deeply
    Love Generously

  24. Chica! You are so very wise. Telling loved ones you love them is so very important! We hope that your mom found her Christmas Spirit! My mom always feels most down this time of year too.

  25. We were so sorry to read about Nancy's passing on Facebook. We are purring and praying for your mom. We know you kitties will give her lots of love and snuggles to help her through this difficult time.

  26. Chica, what lovely pictures of you. We are so sorry to hear that you are having such a difficult time. We are sending lots of special purrSSSSS to your family!


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