
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Yoko's Portrait

You think I don't know you are there Mom with your flashy box? Even with my eyes closed I can see you!

OK, That's better...I will go back to sleep now.

(Yoko will be 17 on Mother's Day this year - she acts older these days, sleeping most of the time. Even her sister Chica who is 19, acts younger than Yoko. Please stop by for Yoko's 17th Gotcha Day on May 9 - we are having a big party here.)

We are participating in a new meme called Face of the Week. Stop by and see what it is all about!


  1. Yoko, you are a sweet, lovely and precious girl. Our mom just wants to smooch you until you can't stand it anymore! Sweet dreams, sweetie!

  2. There is no escaping the flashy box. Cool meme...we're going to go check it out.

    Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

  3. There's no let up is there - those photo maniacs are everywhere.

  4. what sweet pick-shers of you here, Yoko! enjoy your nappie!
    ~Baby Audrey

  5. this. Mom...just a little annoying with that camera thingy going on, but not enough to actually get up and move. ;) What a cutie pie Yoko is. Love this...thank you so much for sharing it and participating in 'Face of the Week' this week. You made me smile! I thank you for that too.

  6. Yoko, you are still very PURRceptive, even while snoozing. And you are very beautiful, too! Every kitty is different, and you're one that just likes to nap!

    We'll come and see you on your birthday if you let us.

  7. Yoko, At 17 your Mommy should do anything and everything YOU want! Snuggle in and finish that nap.
    xx Lounge Kats

    PS tell your Mommy to check out the 4/18 post..lotsa bright colors. Daddy is partially red/green colorblind and enjoys realy saturated colors, so our house is bright!

  8. I love to sleep just like you, Yoko. That darned camera drives me crazy though. Yes, I will come by for your birthday! It looks like we have an old link maybe for your blog in our dashboard. I couldn't figure out why I'd never see new posts for you. I'll try and fix that.

  9. Aw, Yoko, we know how you feel about that flashy box!! A good nap gets interrupted!!

    We'll definitely be back to celebrate your birthday! We can't wait!

  10. Such a beautiful kitty Yoko is. Sometimes a gal just has to catch up on her cat-napping! How lovely to soon be celebrating a Birthday / Gotcha' Day!

    Take care,

  11. I don't see what the problem is. Sleeping is a very important job that requires a lot of practice.

  12. Those are just wonderful faces my friend and excellent pictures. Thanks for stopping by my playground. Have a wonderful Weekend :)

  13. Yoko, you sure are a cute kitty. You don't look a day over 2, how could you be going to be 17. But we sure will come to the party. Can't wait. Glad you went back to sleep even though Mom was bothering you. Have a wonderful week end.


Thanks for stopping by! We love hearing from you.