
Friday, December 18, 2020

Albert Got His Angel Wings (2004 - 2020)


On Tuesday, 12/15 we let our sweet deaf cat Albert go to the Rainbow Bridge. His kidneys had failed.  I spoke with the animal communicator on Friday and she said that Al was very tired, physically and emotionally and was ready to cross over.  He wanted to make sure we were ready to let him go. We pampered him with love and attention all weekend.

Al had been diagnosed with hyperthyroid in 2018.  As with most older cats, his kidneys began to show renal disease shortly after.  We began giving him sub c fluids  in 2019.  He was getting them daily in the end.  Unfortunately he was not able to take the medication for hyperthyroid so I was giving him the herbal blend Sweetpea got as well.

Albert was a very special cat.  He was born deaf - as are most blue eyed white cats and learned to respond to our hand signals.  He also taught us a few things too.  He was very smart, personable, funny and a bit dominating with the other cats.

I found him as a kitten in the fall of 2004 sitting by the side of a busy country road just watching the cars go by. I thought he was a paper bag at first.  Afraid I would spook him into the traffic I got my friend Peel to meet me there and we both corralled him.  He was not at all upset and let me pick him up and get him to safety.  He was banged up and scratched so I assumed he was either  tossed from a car or fell from the rocky hill behind him.

I knew he was deaf once I saw his blue eyes.  Since I am hearing impaired, I felt a strong connection with him and wanted to keep him. We named him Albert Einstein after the scientist.- his fur formed a white wild halo around his head like the his namesake. His nicknames were Ally, Ally Oop and Ally Boo. Al adapted to life with us easily and got along with all the other cats indoors.  He loved to find odd sleeping places - in the pots and pans in the kitchen, on top of the coat stand, in a plant pot.  We never knew where we would find him.

As he grew in size, he still sought out his crazy napping spots and could not figure out why he did not  fit in them anymore!  Even as a senior he still slept in the oddest places like on a pile of mail, in the middle of the floor.

Growing bigger.

Al this year

He loved his laser light toy and his catnip mouse but would get a bit over stimulated and more aggressive from these toys and we would have to calm him down after. He would continue to search for the red dot long after it was put away. Shadows and branches moving outside would get him all riled up as well..  

When we moved to the current house we split the cats into two groups - the older ones inside with us and the younger ones in the cat shelter Don made from a carport/workshop.  Al went into the latter.  By now he was a big cat and becoming a bully, dominating many of the other cats who were his age. Don made a room within a room for him by caging in once section of the screened porch of cat house and then adding an upper level that went into the interior heated room.  That gave both Al and the other cats time to be alone.  We let Al out with us there to supervise him, using his room as his safe place mostly. We still ended up having to move cats out of the cat house to our house when Al persisted in stalking them.  We tried all the drugs, herbs and homeopathy but nothing worked. I found out recently that many deaf cats have a high prey drive.  Perhaps that is what it was.

Al and Don

Talking to an animal communicator helped us get a better idea about Al. He formed a close bond with Don and felt calm and supported by him. Don was his rock. It seems logical when the communicator explained that Al was rejected by his cat mom and siblings and and struggled alone, feeling excluded.  His dominance was fear based so he struck out when he was afraid. When the cats accidentally bumped Al he reacted defensively by attacking. Obviously this caused many cat fights between Al and the others.


Al retained his goofy silly side as he got older, using the cat tree as his jungle gym, hanging off upside down.  He loved running up the ramps to the higher shelves in the cat house and surveying his kingdom from on high. Another animal communicator told us Al felt responsible for all the cats in the outside shelter.  He would defend the others from other critters or neighbor dogs that happened to look in  by flying to the door and hissing, spitting and growling for all he was worth.  The dogs ran in fright. I don't blame them.  Al was terrifying.

We brought Albert inside with us after Norm passed in February this year so that we could care for him better.  Al proceeded to attack each one of the cats in the house - I would assume to establish his authority and then after a few weeks, calmed down and just ignored them.  Our regular communicator Rose said that Al now felt  he could retire being inside with us. We had it all under control.  He was in his own senior home and could just enjoy life without all the responsibilities.  After the rough beginning, Al left the other cats alone and they in turn didn't bother him.

Al delighted in living inside with us.  He found the toy basket and had a ball delving into it looking for new toys.  See the video here

Albert treasured the one on one time he had with Don.  He would drape his body over Don's lap while we watched TV, happy as could be.

Spending time on the back porch on warm sunny days was a favorite pastime for Ally. He loved sitting on the packing paper from the Chewy boxes too.

We catered to Al and fed him on a raised plate, giving him whatever he would eat.  When he wanted more or was done he would slap the plate off the platform on to the floor.  We could hear the plate clatter and would laugh.  His highness wanted something!

Al's last Christmas with us.


His passing was gentle and easy.  An ice storm was predicted so even tho our vet was not available we took him to a local vet.  They fit us in at the end of the day so we were the only ones there.  All of us were masked. We had our hands on him during the injections with me surrounding him in Reiki light as he left us.

Our communicator Rose checked in with Albert as he passed.  Al thanked us for loving him in spite of his being a "problem child."  He said bossing the others made him feel in control.  He appreciated us understanding that that was how he was. Al felt that the had a good life with us and was grateful for the care and affection we gave him.  Snowball met him as he crossed into Spirit to escort him to Summerland. 

 Al is buried on our land next to Norm and Snowball with a catnip mouse, as blue as his gorgeous eyes. We will get him a grave stone at a later date. Don and I will never forget this challenging, intelligent, charming, beautiful boy. I made a bouquet of evergreens and one yellow flower surprisingly still blooming in our garden.  Al was our sunshine for sure. Until we meet again dear boy. We love you.

A Bridge Called Love

It takes us back to brighter years,
to happier sunlit days
and to precious moments
that will be with us always.
And these fond recollections
are treasured in the heart
to bring us always close to those
from whom we had to part.

There is a bridge of memories
from earth to Heaven above...
It keeps our dear ones near us

It's the bridge that we call love.

    Author Unknown