
Saturday, April 9, 2016

Happy Birthday Marg!

Happy Birthday to Marg from Mr Kitty and all of us Cats of Wildcat Woods!!!

Today is the birthday of a special friend of ours and of many bloggers and critters too.  If it wasn't for Marg, of Marg's Animals blog all of her wonderful pets, past and present would not have had a chance at a good life.  No matter how many she already had, she took more in if they were in need of a home..  Each one is loved and cared for like they were the only one.

We have been one of the lucky ones to actually meet Marg and her gang.  She is lovely - warm, friendly and funny. Just like her blog.  It is quite the adventure to meet all her adorable rescues.

We got to meet Peepers.

We want to share some older photos of our visit with Marg way back in 2011.  We have visited her every year since except last year.  In 2011 we got to meet Peepers, her goat along with  some of her older cats and of course her wonderful dogs, Ande and Jasmine. (Sorry the photos are not great. Mom had an old point and shoot back then - only 3.2 megapixels compared with the 16 on cameras now.)

Our Pop with Ande in front and Jasmine behind.

Mister oh so many years ago.

Pop and Joe in deep conversation.

Orange Boyz on the alert.

Wishing  Marg a super wonderful day and may the year to come 
bring nothing but smiles, laughter and lots of love.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Remembering Lily

Straw Hat Day

It has been a year since our sweet Lily went to the Bridge.  Time does fly.  I still wish I knew why we had to lose her so young.  With feral cats tho - there are unknown circumstances in their origins - where did she come from, was there inbreeding and what was her environment like?  So many things could have contributed to her cancer at age 9.  I had hoped with love and good food she would live a long life. That was not meant to be.

Having a tender moment with Only

I want to share my last conversation with Lily thru an animal communicator.  When I know a cat is seriously ill, I talk to my animal communicator to find out how each cat wants this to go down.  It helps me make decisions for them. 2015 was a tough year for me - I lost my brother in law, my favorite aunt and several life long family friends along with four beloved cats.  In hindsight, what Lily told me during her session with the animal communicator was preparing me for the rest of last year. It was a very spiritual experience for me.

Snuggled on my bed

Lily shared with us that since she had done this so many times before, she had no fear of dying. She was already leaving her body off and on, traveling to the other side. I asked Lily if she wanted to be with all her offspring in the cat house but she assured me that she was already communicating with them and preferred to be with me.

Keeping watch

At the time I did not know I would shortly  lose three other cats, but Lily emphasized that she would be there to greet and welcome the others when it was their time to go to the Bridge.  Lily explained to us that she was going thru this cancer now, to help teach me about about death and dying.  To Lily, death itself, was beautiful and easy. My communicator said Lily showed her a most euphoric vision of the afterlife. 

She loved to eat

Lily was not concerned about her age - there was no time on her life line, for she  had no beginning or end. Lily knew she is not her body, that she is infinite.  

Lily also told us that she  had been with me  before in other lives, and that her work with me is not over. She would be my guardian, very available to help me understand. She told the communicator that "All is OK, there is no need for anything to be different.."

It was a hard session to hear but it did help me understand  so many things, especially when to let go. Lily asked for gentle treatment, non invasive.  When things became more difficult, she wanted me to free her from her body.  That is how it played out.  The day she left us, she was no longer able to eat and was in noticeable discomfort.

I did call on Lily's spirit many times last year - to help me know how to care for  Minnie and Georgie.And when to let them go.  In life Lily was my buddy, my companion, always nearby, ready to help.  I talked to her all the time.  I still do. I mentioned in her tribute last year, (read it here)  that she was the epitome of unconditional love, mother love.  She was and still is.  Thank you dear Lily for sharing your life and lessons with me and for still being there for me until we meet again.

The quote I used on her tribute is even more appropriate  after all I went thru last year. - here it is again.

"When animals enter our life, we start on a journey filled with adventure, learning and love.  The animals reach deep into us and change us in ways that can hardly be described.  We grow in love.  And upon their leaving, we are lost, devastated.  Over time, we explore the story and see the meaning, and stand in awe of these remarkable beings.  What an honor they give us when they walk a part of our lives with us."
-- Barbara Janelle

Lily in front with Two Spot and Only

P.S. Several of you have reached out about my health.  I went to the doctor for my vertigo and she seems to feel it is allergy related.  It still comes and goes.  When it flairs up, I cannot use the computer or watch TV.  It is best to rest.  I have never had this before so it is taking some adjustment.  It seems to be lessening as the weather warms up so I hope to be able to be back online more.  Thanks for your concern.