
Thursday, February 18, 2016

Today is Our 7th Blogoversary!

Darby hatted by the late JudiBug in 2010

Hard to believe that we have been blogging for seven years (eight if you count Mom's old natural pet care blog Cats and Dogs Naturally). Mom never got her act together to do a blogoversary post before this! Imagine!!!

Angel Chica's 20th Birthday celebration in 2011.

A lot has happened during that time - holidays, Gotcha Days, computer crashes, even losing our blog to hackers for weeks before we got it back. We also gained two new kitties, Callie and Mr. Kitty and lost seven of our beloved cats who left for the Rainbow Bridge. Plus, our neighbor cat, Jack, who we featured on the blog often, disappeared without a trace in Nov. 2015.

Mom's first video attempt in 2012 with Angel Lily, Only and Smidge.
If you can't see it here go to our Youtube channel here.

We made so many friends, some who are still blogging and others who have moved on to other things. We appreciate all our blog pals, old and new, being there and supporting us in difficult times and celebrating with us in happy times. Even though we don't blog as much as we used to, we wouldn't still be here blogging if it weren't for all of you! You guys rock!

Woody playing in the water bowl 2013.

 To thank you, we would like to offer some fun quizzes with prizes for the first to answer correctly in the comments! If you have followed us for a bit these questions will be pretty easy. The answers and the winners will be posted Monday Feb. 22  . Ready?

 To win Prize #1 - What is the name of our cat who was born deaf?

This prize includes a leather mouse, cat treats, a nip trout and Creative Cats coloring book by Marjorie Sarnat for your human plus other goodies.

To win Prize #2 - How many cats did we originally have when we began the blog in 2009?

This one includes cat treats, toys and a set of 6 cat notecards by local artist Debbie Littledeer for your bean plus other goodies.

To win Prize #3 - Most of our cats were formerly what?

Along with cat treats and toys, a book by Japanese poet Takashi Hiraide The Guest Cat and other assorted goodies

We hope to continue to blog, making more memories and friends in the coming years.  Thank you for being a part of our lives. We love you all!

Tabitha posing for our Easter post 2014

Rosa as a watercolor for Caturday Art in 2015

Let's end this blogoversary post by reposting below our very first blog post with Angel Ivy in front of the heater on a cold February day in 2009.

Cold Blustery Day

Ivy is sitting right in front of the space heater and not budging. The wind is howling, blowing leaves by the windows. The cats are feisty and running around fussing with each other. At least we didn't get any snow, just a few flurries.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Happy Valentine's Day!


Woody posting (for a change) ...Today is a big day at our house - Pop turns 60 something, (we won't reveal the exact age) the beans are celebrating 24 years of marriage and it is the national day of love!  Since it is bitter cold (at least the morning will be) the celebrations will take place at home this year.

Coconut curry  for Mom in the front with a naan taco and lumpia for Pop

Pop and Mom did go out to eat on Friday to a curry house that they hadn't been to before - it was a balmy 39 degrees that day.  During cold wintry years like this Mom wishes that they got married in a warmer month but 24 years ago they were living in Florida, so hey.

Grain and sugar free apple crisp

Mom baked Pop a flour less apple crisp since they don't do cakes anymore.  There will be flowers, presents and eats plus  lots of kitty snuggling too.  This is Mr. Kitty's first Valentine's Day with us so he can join in the festivities.  We are also taking part in Sunday Selfie on Cat on my Head blog too.

A selfie with Mr Kitty, Mom, Pop and even Sweetpea

Whatever you do for this joyful day - we hope it is filled to the brim with smiles and love.
Happy Valentine's day from all of us to you!

Me wishing you Happy Heart Day!

P.S. Next week marks the 7th anniversary of our cat blog and we are celebrating with a give-away or two so put in on your calendar - Feb. 19!