
Thursday, December 24, 2015

Merry Christmas!


Thank you for all our Christmas cards - both email and snail mail.  You can see some of them on our 2015 Christmas card page under the blog header.  Due to Georgie's illness and passing we were late in getting our holiday cards out - so please take our card  from the sidebar if you didn't get one.  Some will arrive via snail mail later this weekend!

Our tree
We want to wish you a peaceful, love-filled Christmas from our house to yours.  We can't say it enough - thank you so very much for being our friends.

Mr. Kitty





Monday, December 21, 2015

With Appreciation

I wanted to write this post a few days ago on Thankful Thursday but I was not ready to write it..  I have lost so many cats in such a short time I don't think I have let myself grieve since I had other ill kitties to care for. I lost Ivy in July and then Minnie took up all my time from her diagnosis in August until she passed in October when Georgie started failing.  I crashed after I lost her and I am struggling now with my grief. Being so close to the holidays does not help.

Thank you Ann, Moe and Alasandra for the pleasing graphics. I am much obliged to each of you who contacted me with advice and encouragement for  managing both Minnie with CRF and Georgie with diabetes.  Vets are only so helpful  - you guys gave me so much more support and taught me from your firsthand experiences with these illnesses.  I learned a lot.  Hopefully I will not need this info in the near future, but now I have more to work with.

Your concern and sympathy after each kitty passed  has helped me more than you could ever know.  It is wonderful to have such a caring group of fellow cat lovers to lean on in times like this.  Your comforting comments on Facebook and the blog are treasured. 

To all my Blog and Facebook buddies -
I treasure your friendship.