
Saturday, May 23, 2015

Caturday Art

Sweet Rosa posing in just a hint of light.  I processed this like a watercolor and liked the result.  Black cats are difficult to photograph at best.

Wishing everyone in the states a wonderful holiday weekend.  
For more Caturday Art - visit Athena and Marie.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Mr. Kitty on Mancat Monday

It's time for me to do my post and let everyone know how I am doing at my new digs. Life is  pretty good these days. My new family and I still have to get used to each other so things are  slowly working themselves out.

 I am not using my old hidy spot in the bookcase anymore.  I prefer to sit on the table in the office window and watch the critters outside, enjoying the breeze.  It has been warm enough to leave the windows open at night and then things get really interesting with opossums and raccoons to watch.

 The excitement this week was that I coughed up a furball.  Aunt Cheri was concerned about me cuz I was throwing up my food  right after I ate it  for a couple of days.  But then up came a huge more throw up after that!  Now I get my Laxatone regularly to keep this from happening again.  (I am glad cuz I heard the V-E-T word!)

 I am still very much a guy's mancat and just love my Uncle Don.  I have a way of rubbing my face on the rim of his ball cap like I did with my Dad and human brothers back home. If Uncle Don doesn't lean forward enough so I can reach his visor, I tap it with my paw so he knows.  He gets a big kick out of it!  It doesn't take much to make humans smile!!

Come back by next Monday - I have a surprise for you all.  
Until then, have a super week and be kind to all critters!