
Friday, March 16, 2012

Get Your Green On for Darby's 12th Gotcha Day/ St. Paddy's Day Party!


Welcome one and all to our annual St Patrick's Day Party and Darby's Gotcha Day!!!  The only requirement is to wear a bit o'green! After all we are all Irish today!!! (Mom and Pop are both a bit of Irish) Help your self to our nip beer, Corned beef, cake and be prepared to dance your toesies off!

Darby has been with us now for 12 years after we found her living under the house all by her lonesome as a little kitten.  She is Mom's best buddy, curling up on the chair with her in the office or tucked in the crook of her arm in bed.  She is a tiny girl but is chock full of personality and feistiness.  We love her sooo much.

Sam and sister Georgie

We are all dressed in our green party attired just for the occasion  - hope you have yours on.  Grab a beer and enjoy the music and dancers from Celtic Woman.  Happy St Pat's to you all and thank you for stopping by!




Sunday, March 11, 2012

Mr Chewy, Minnie and Mondays....

Minnie here.  We got a large package in the mail this past week for us kitties filled with lots of cat food!  The kitties from the Monkeys blog suggested us for a promotion from Mr Chewy.  This online company has lots of brands to choose from  in cat and dog food and treats, cat litter along with flea products.

We chose Pet Guard, Weruva and Tiki Cat.  Mom likes to mix things up for us since we are only eating canned food now.  This was a great deal for her and we got lots of food for us.  We placed the order online and in a couple of days had the package!

Mr Chewy offers over 70 popular and high quality brands - Wellness, Blue, Greenies, Halo, Verve, Taste of the Wild, Royal Canin and so many more - at good prices.  They are delivered right to your door. Right now the shipping is free if you spend $50.  You can't get a better deal!  Check them out.  We give them 20 thumbs up!!!!

We are glad it is Monday - Mom was not feeling good last week with a stomach bu but will be back to visiting ya'll this week.  Our beans are still trying to get used to the time we will be patient with them.  How are yours doing with that?

We would like to let everyone know that Marg from Marg's Pets got dropped from Google Reader so her posts don't come up anymore but she is OK and still posting.  Please go sign up and get her posts sent  to your email!  BAAAAD Google!