
Thursday, July 14, 2011

New Toy

Hi, it's me Mamcita.  I don't get to blog very much cuz I am mostly hiding under the sofa or bed.  I am very shy and still kinda wild.  But I do like our new scratching toy and love to sit on it.

I am a plus size girl and I can fit just right in the dip of the curve and rest my head for a snooze.  Bef ore I take  nap (I just had breakfast) Mom wants to tell you we will be cutting back to just one post a week for the rest of the summer.  Then we will see how we are doing.  She has lots of stuff going on plus some health issues she needs to take care of.  We are all OK.  Even Chica - she has cut back for sub c fluids every five days to every 10 days and is doing great.

This will let Mom have more time to visit with you and maybe even take our blog to Wordpress - she is getting tired of Blogger.  We have trouble downloading our pics, getting to comment, sometimes even opening up our blog.

So don't worry...we are still here just less often.  We will keep you all up to date with what is going on with all of us at Wildcat Woods.  See ya next week. I am going to take that nap now....zzzz.