
Thursday, December 2, 2010

Femme Friday

Three more of our ladycats have been hatted by Judi, Sammy and Andy's mom.  Doesn't Tabitha look stunning? She is a tomboy cat with lots of brothers.  Nothing stops her from rough and tumble play.  She is loving and affectionate too. and is the first one on the bed when Mom wakes up wanting to snuggle and make biscuits.

Senior ladycat Ivy is another rough tough cookie having lived most of her life outdoors.  She has gotten to be very much a lap cat in her older years and loves to snuggle on Mom. She makes all sorts of funny noises because she has allergies and her breathing is noisy with snorts, gurgles and whistles.  And then when she talks it sounds more like a crow than a cat!

And darling Minnie is a sweet girl, always up for a love.  She likes to eat treats and will beg Mom for them all the time.  If she hears the treat bag, she appears out of nowhere.  She has such a fun personality and is always getting herself into mischief - stealing candy from the coffee table dish, getting stuck between the screen window and glass one, snuggling inside one of the dresser drawers.

Hope you enjoyed our lovely ladies today.  we also want to invite you to take a copy of our holiday card below.  Mom tried to get pictures of the cats with the Santa hat on and ended up with cute outtakes of Only and Two Spot playing with it.  We will also be exchanging cards through the mail - wait until you see the shots Mom got for these! Add your address to our form in the sidebar if you want to join in.

Mom and Pop went to a Christmas tree farm yesterday and got a Frazer Fir  tree and wreath. Have a great weekend everybody - we will be trimming our tree over the weekend!  We can't wait!!!!

P.S. Our friends Hubblespacepaws just posted that sweet Murph (back in May we all helped find a home for Murph when we found out his bean Mom was dying) has gone to the Bridge. Please stop by.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Woody Tells All...

 Woody here.  Remember me...Mom and Pop brought me inside the house from the cat shelter cuz Al was picking on me?  Well, I am out of my kennel now and busy exploring this new place.  I don't know any of the cats here except Tabitha but they all seem nice enough.  At least no one is picking on me.  I can get a fresh start and reinvent myself!  I like the bedroom and bathroom with the windows to see out.  I can watch the cat shelter where my brothers are.  I really like TV - so fun to watch all the colors and moving things on it.

 I still want to find good hidy place but  don't think I fit under here.  I like when Pop pest me but then I get too excited and want to find someplace quiet to regroup. I think I'll go under the bed for a while.

This is me last night letting Pop snuggle with me on the bed. I even let Mom pet me too. This place may not be so bad after all.  And I keep running into Rosa under the bed and behind the sofa.  Maybe we can be friends.

Mom wanted me to tell you what happened around here after Thanksgiving.  It has been a wild weekend - with me moving inside and then then Thanksgiving.  On Friday we had high winds and the phone lines went down and the Internet too.  On top of this Mom has had to go to work 8 days straight cuz someone was out - boy is she pooped!  Today is cool and rainy and we are all just gonna stay home and snuggle with Mom, watch TV and nap!  What are you doing today?

We are joining Cats on Tuesday!  And if you haven't already, please stop by our friends at Hubblespacepaws - they lost their sweet Winnie.  Click on the pic on the sidebar to go there.