
Saturday, January 23, 2010

Photo Hunt - Balanced

This is a good Photo Hunt theme for us cuz we are always practising our balancing skills!

This is Two Spot showing off his great balancing skills on the porch shelf!

Al here is just a kitten years ago but his favorite thing was to walk the clothes racks when Mom hung the non dryerable(is that a word?) laundry in winter.

Here Chica is balancing on the back of the porch sectional! She falls asleep here and doesn't even fall off.

For more Photo Hunt go here and for Camera Critters here.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Jan 21 - Squirrel Appreciation Day!

Mom loves unusual holidays and this one is so unique cuz the bean who started it lives near us! Christy Hargrove from Asheville, North Carolina started Squirrel Appreciation Day on January 21, 2001. Christy is a wildlife rehabilitator in North Carolina, and is is affiliated with the Western North Carolina Nature Center.

Squirrel Appreciation Day is an opportunity to enjoy and appreciate your tree climbing, nut gathering neighborhood squirrels. It's held in mid-winter when food sources are scarce for squirrels and other wildlife. Sure, squirrels spent all fall gathering and "squirreling " away food. But, their supplies may not be enough. And, the variety of food is limited. So, give them an extra special treat today to supplement their winter diets.

This is a white albino squirrel found in several places in the mountains here. Read more about them on Mom's other blog.

We have to agree not everyone likes squirrels. While they are fun to watch they can mess up our bird feeders. Squirrels tip almost any bird feeder and spill the seeds in search of the particular seeds they want. In the fall, they attack pumpkins on front porches in search of the seeds inside. For gardeners they dig up and steal flower bulbs, and may eat some of the veggies in your garden.

Two Spot is busy watching the squirrels outside - wishing them Happy Squirrel Day!

When you think about it, mid winter is the best time to appreciate squirrels. In the winter they provide a little entertainment. We love to sit and watch them try to figure out how to get at the feeders. The rest of the year we can try to keep them away from all the feeders and delicious garden foods. So be nice to your squirrels today!

Snowball keeping an eye out for the white squirrel!

Info from Holiday Insights!

Albert on Wordless Wednesday

Click here for more Wordless Wednesday posts!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

We got an award from Brian's Home!

We received this award from Brian's Home a few days ago but Mom is just a procrastinator when it comes to this stuff, so we are just getting to doing this. The Superior Scribbler Award was started by The Scholastic Scribe to celebrate their 200th post. To read more about the Superior Scribbler Award click HERE.

As with every award, there are some rules that need to be followed:

1. Each Superior Scribbler (SS) must pass the Award on to 5 deserving blogger friends.
2. Each SS must link the author and name of the blog from whom he/she received the award.
3. Each SS must display the award on his/her blog and link to the post which explains the award.
4. Each SS is asked to visit the post which explains the award and add his/her name to the Mr. Linky List.
5. Each SS must post these rules on his/her blog.

It seems like everyone on CB is getting this so we will try to find 5 bloggers who haven't. So we're giving it to:

1. Cats in Trees- two very adventurous cats.
2. Lilacs and Cats - the personal thoughts of a wonderful cat and dog mom.
3. Boo-Bah's Little Sunshines - the antics of two pups and two cats
4. Noll's Nip- Noll and some very nice kitties
5. We Love Luna - a very cute kitty from overseas

Thanks muchly to Brian's Home for this award.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Happy MLK Day!

" Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend."
--- Martin Luther King Jr.